**[[https://www.stonetowersda.org|Back to main website]]** ====== STONE TOWER SDA CHURCH ====== [[https://grow.adventist.org/|{{ https://wiki.stonetowersda.org//lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/userfiles/image/growst.png?nolink&170}}]] “Preaching is a small part of the work to be done for the salvation of souls. God's Spirit convicts sinners of the truth, and He places them in the arms of the church. The ministers may do their part, but they can never perform the work that the church should do.” “Ministers may preach pleasing and forcible discourses, and much labor may be put forth to build up and make the church prosperous; but unless its individual members shall act their part as servants of Jesus Christ, the church will ever be in darkness and without strength.” “The minister should not feel that it is his duty to do all the talking and all the laboring and all the praying; he should educate helpers in every church. Let different ones take turns in leading the meetings, and in giving Bible readings; in so doing they will be calling into use the talents which God has given them, and at the same time be receiving a training as workers.” “The best help that ministers can give the members of our churches is not sermonizing, but planning work for them. Give each one something to do for others. Help all to see that as receivers of the grace of Christ they are under obligation to work for Him. And let all be taught how to work. Especially should those who are newly come to the faith be educated to become laborers together with God.” Christian Service, p. 68-69 ===== CHURCH ORGANIZATION AND PURPOSE ===== * [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/sermons/recordings/15778/3-its-time-to-eat-grandpa.html|It's Time to Eat Grandpa ]] [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/download/dl/42024/2017/01/15778/3-ItsTimeToEatGrandpa.pdf| Notes (pdf) ]] * [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/sermons/recordings/15779/4-the-ministry-that-died-and-nobody-noticed.html|The Ministry that Died and Nobody Noticed]] [[https://d31oibm4w2hgxr.cloudfront.net/2017/01/15779/4-TheMinistryThatDiedAndNobodyNoticed.pdf|Notes (pdf) ]] * [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/sermons/recordings/15780/5-mining-the-manual.html|Mining the Manual]] [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/download/dl/42028/2017/01/15780/5-MiningTheManual.pdf| Notes (pdf)]] * [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/sermons/recordings/15781/6-moving-the-ship.html|Moving the Ship]] [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/download/dl/42030/2017/01/15781/6-MovingTheShip.pdf| Notes (pdf) ]] * [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/sermons/recordings/18913/grow-your-church-part-1.html|Grow Your Church 1]] * [[https://www.audioverse.org/english/sermons/recordings/18914/grow-your-church-part-2.html|Grow Your Church 2]] ===== MINISTRY RESOURCES ===== * [[:public:ministries:ministries|STONE TOWER MINISTRIES]] and their responsibilities * [[:public:ministries:ministries2|STONE TOWER MINISTRIES UPDATED]] * [[https://www.adventsource.org/ministry-plus/ministry-quick-start|Ministry Toolkits]] additional resources for your ministry from AdventSource * [[:manual_history|Brief History]] of Church Manual and Organization * [[https://www.adventist.org/en/information/church-manual/|Latest SDA Church Manual (2022)]] * {{:cm1932.pdf|First SDA Church Manual (1932) }} * Stone Tower Calendar can be added to your Gmail account by clicking [[https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=stonetowersda.org_bueb2vo5gd0fdh0d5upojpu0r4@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles|HERE ]] ---- [[:members:members|Members Area]] - (Login with your email and password from the [[https://family.stonetowersda.org|online directory)]]