====== STONE TOWER MINISTRIES AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES ====== Ministries Job descriptions INTRODUCTION TO THE STONE TOWER SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Our work in God's church is of the highest order and utmost importance. Jesus Christ is still Lord and the head of the Church. He is a God by nature of purpose and order. The church, to succeed, needs to be a coordinated redemptive and nurturing center. Through it we endeavor to fulfill His will, word and mission. The following plaguing administrative question demands a serious answer. How can we expect church officers to be accountable and do a great job without documenting, in black and white details, the specific duties of their task? We honestly could not! The following job descriptions are presented as tools to help us clearly understand the scope of our work so we can do our best. The order of the following job descriptions does not imply any hierarchical relationships between them. The job descriptions of church offices, ministries and roles are listed simply in alphabetical order. Publishing and practicing these Job Descriptions fulfills a long time administrative goal. These job descriptions will enable us to measure and evaluate our process and progress more fairly and accurately. It is with the sincere motive of a more enhanced and effective ministry that we present to you the Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church Job Descriptions. Sincerely yours in His service, Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church Church Officers and Ministries Job Description Committee ==== STONE TOWER SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH BOARD MEMBERS ==== The following church officers serve on the Stone Tower Church Board. Also other individuals or offices can be placed on the Church Board if perceived that it would be beneficial and voted in a Church Business session. List last voted August 2023 (list from church manual plus AV/Tech leader). - Elders - Head deacon - Head deaconess - Treasurer - Clerk - Interest coordinator - Adventist Community Services leader or Dorcas Society leader - Adventist Men’s coordinator - Adventist Possibility Ministries leader - Adventist Youth Ministries - Adventurer Club director - Ambassador Club leader - Pathfinder Club director - Public Campus Ministries leader/coordinator - Young Adults leader - Bible school coordinator - Children’s ministries leader - Church music coordinator - Communication committee chairperson or communication secretary - Education secretary/church school principal or head teacher - Family ministries leader - Health ministries leader - Home and School Association leader - Personal ministries leader and secretary - Publishing ministries coordinator - Religious liberty leader - Sabbath School superintendent - Stewardship ministries leader - Women’s ministries leader - AV/Tech leader Gifts Referenced - Administration - Discernment - Encouragement - Evangelism - Faith - Faithfulness - Friendliness - Giving - Good Personal Financial Manager - Helps - Hospitality - Kindness - Knowledge - Leadership - Love - Mercy - Ministering - Missionary - Servant - Service - Shepherding - Teaching - Trainer - Wisdom ---- =====OUTLINE===== ===A. OUTREACH MINISTRIES=== - Discover Bible School Ministry - DBS Coordinator - Visitation Coordinators - Prayer Coordinators - Bible School Promotion Leader - Guest Welcome Care Ministry - Guest Welcome Care Ministry Leader - Health Ministry Leader * - Health Ministry Team Member - Hospitality Ministry Council - Hospitality Ministry Leader (Chair) - Investment Leader - Lay Advisory Committee Representatives - Personal Ministries - Bible Study Coordinator - Bible Worker - Door to door Outreach Ministry Coordinator - Evangelism Crusade Coordinator - Evangelism Resources Room - Interest / Visitation Coordinator Leader - Literature Distribution Leader - Personal Ministries Leader (Chair) - Personal Ministries Assistant Leader - Secretary - Prison Ministry - Religious Liberty Director - Adventist Community Services Representative - Adventist Community Services Leader ===B. CONGREGATIONAL SUPPORT MINISTRIES=== - Deacon - Deacon Job Manual - Deacon (Leader) - Deacon (Asst Leader) - Deaconess - Deaconess (Leader) - Deaconess (Asst Leader) - Family Life Ministry (Leader) * - Family Life Ministry (Asst Leader) * - Family Life Ministry Council * - Prayer Ministry Leader * - Prayer Ministry Asst Leader * - Reconnecting Ministry Leader - Reconnecting Ministry Assistant Leader - Reconnecting Ministry - Service (Military Contact) Leader * - Shut-Ins Contact Ministry - Singles Ministry Director - Small Groups Ministry Leader (Chair) - Small Groups Ministry Council - Social Activities Ministry Leader (Chair) - Social Activities Ministry Council - Telephone Prayer Chain Ministry Leader - Telephone Prayer Ministry Members - Women's Ministry Leader - Women’s Ministry Assistant Leader - Young Adults Ministry Leader ===C. SPIRTUAL GROWTH MINISTRIES=== - Discipleship Ministry Leader * - Discipleship Ministry Team * - Library Ministry - Sabbath School Superintendent - SS Assistant Superintendent - SS Secretary - SS Assistant Secretary - SS Adult Teacher - SS Young Adult Leader - SS Young Adult Assistant - SS Song Leader - Small Groups Ministry Leader - Small Groups Ministry Assistant Leader - Mid-Week Prayer - Training Seminar Coordinator Leader ===D. WORSHIP MINISTRIES=== - Audio Ministry Leader - Audio Ministry Team * - Bell Choir Ministry Director - Children's Story Ministry Leader - Computer Visual Projections Ministry Leader - Computer Visual Projections Ministry Team * - Choir Director - Music Ministry Council - Music Ministry Council Leader - Organist/Pianist - Praise Team Leaders - Special Music Coordinator - Worship Ministry Leader (Chair) * - Worship Ministry Asst Leader * - Worship Ministry Council - Worship Service Song Leader - Video Ministry Leader - Video Ministry Team * ===E. PRE-ADULT MINISTRIES=== - Adventurer Club Director * - Adventurer Club Assistant Director - Adventurer Club Staff * - Children’s Handbell Choir Director - Children’s Choir Director - Children’s Church Ministry Leader - Christian Education Ministry - Christian Education Ministry Leader - Home and School Leader - LAA School Board Representative - Pathfinder Club Director - Pathfinder Club Assistant Director - Pathfinder Club Staff - Pre-Adults Ministry Leader - Pre-Adults Assistant Ministry Leader - SS Beginners Leader - SS Kindergarten Leader - SS Beginners/Kindergarten Teacher - SS Primary Leader - SS Junior/Earliteen Leaders - SS Primary/Junior/Earliteen Teacher - SS Youth Leader - SS Youth Teacher - Vacation Bible School Director - Vacation Bible School Ministry - Youth Ministry Council Leader - Youth Council Ministry Team * ===F. ADMINISTRATION MINISTRIES=== - Bulletin Secretary - Building & Grounds Ministry - Chair / Leader - Assistant Leader - Secretary * - Church Secretary - Church Clerk - Church Building Interior Décor Ministry - Communications Secretary - Elder (Leader) - Elder - Finance Committee - Finance Committee (Chair) - Finance Committee Assistant Chair - Floral Platform Ministry (Decorations & Seasonal Events) - Janitor - Kitchen Ministry - Newsletter Ministry - Nominating Committee Member - Nominating Committee Chairman - Nominating Committee Secretary - Stewardship Ministry - Street Sign Ministry - Technology Ministry - Leader - Assistant Leader - Secretary - Treasurer - Treasurer Assistant - Treasury Clerks - Wedding Coordinator ---- =====OUTREACH / EVANGELISM MINISTRIES JOB DESCRIPTIONS ===== ---- ====DISCOVER BIBLE SCHOOL MINISTRY==== JOB SUMMARY: A Discover Bible School is made up of a group of members in a local church who have a vision to reach out and provide an opportunity for others, including their friends and neighbors, to study the Bible. These members organize themselves into a “Discover Bible School,” which is a branch of //The Voice of Prophecy// Headquarters Bible School. JOB DUTIES: - To establish redemptive friendships with both the unchurched and with Christians living in your community through providing Bible study courses and opportunities for members of your local church to be actively involved in Bible study ministry. - To connect as many people as possible in your community with Jesus and to lead them to become fully devoted disciples of Christ. - To show people how the teachings of the Bible can meet their daily needs. - To provide Bible study options that acquaint the student with a broad understanding of Scripture—the life of Jesus, prophecy, the Gospels, distinctive Bible doctrines, etc. - To acquaint people with the major doctrinal teachings of the Bible. - To prepare your community for a seminar or public evangelistic meeting. - To assist Christians and the unchurched in your community in an on-going, in-depth understanding of the Bible and to acquaint them with our distinctive Adventist message. - To prepare Bible school participants to become baptized church members who are fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ and who make witnessing their way of life. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Friendliness, Service\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Personal Ministries Council and Church Board ---- ==== DISCOVER BIBLE SCHOOL MINISTRY COORDINATOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for overseeing, leading and coordinating the ministry of the Discover Bible School. JOB DUTIES: - Oversees the Bible school staff and the overall program. - Arranges for the selection and training of staff. - Sees that supplies are ordered. - Arranges with the Visitation Coordinator for the follow-up of Bible school interests. - Keeps the local church informed regarding the work of the Bible school. - Involves every church member in the Bible school operation and/or in community outreach. - Reports to the pastor and church board on the activities of the Bible school. - Carries out other duties as necessary. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Leadership, Administration, Friendliness, Service\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Personal Ministries Council and Church Board ---- ==== DISCOVER BIBLE SCHOOL PRAYER MINISTRY COORDINATOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for encouraging and arranging prayer for those receiving the Word and the Discover Bible School. JOB DUTIES: - Arranges for the church family to pray for the Bible students. - Arranges prayer ministry events to support the Bible school in its ministry. - Recruits others to assist with the prayer ministry. - Reports to the Bible School Supervisor (Coordinator). SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Friendliness, Service, Administration, Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Discover Bible School Ministry, Personal Ministries Council and Church Board ---- ====DISCOVER BIBLE SCHOOL VISITATION MINISTRY COORDINATOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for coordinating visitation to all Bible Study interest. JOB DUTIES: - Directs the visitation plan of Bible study interests. - Trains or arranges for the training of church members to visit Bible school interests. - Recruits members to assist with visitation. - Reports to the Bible School Supervisor (Coordinator). SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Friendliness, Service, Administration, Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Discover Bible School Ministry, Personal Ministries Council and Church Board ---- ====DISCOVER BIBLE SCHOOL PROMOTION LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for overseeing the various methods of enrolling new Bible Study students. JOB DUTIES: - Alerts the church to the need for finding Bible students and explains how each member can participate. - Keeps the church informed regarding the Bible school’s accomplishments and needs via the church newsletter, bulletin, and presentations in Sabbath School or the church service. - Arranges for the distribution of enrollment cards through door-to-door distribution by church members, mass mailings to the community, and/or insertion in the local newspaper. - Arranges for advertising to obtain Bible study students. - Reports to the Bible School Supervisor (Coordinator). SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Friendliness, Service, Administration, Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Discover Bible School Ministry, Personal Ministries Council and Church Board ---- ====GUEST WELCOME CARE MINISTRY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for greeting all guests and members before church and at any special events or meetings as requested, and making all feel welcome and accepted. JOB DUTIES: - To arrive at church on Sabbath mornings no later than 9:00 AM. - All greeters should be in the main foyer at 9:00 AM until 10:00 AM. They can then join their Sabbath School class for lesson study. They then return back to the foyer at 10:40 AM until 11:30 AM. - To greet people warmly. Making each worshiper whether a guest or member feel important. Each person matters to God and thus they matter to us! You set the tone for our worship experience. Smile naturally and be friendly. - An example of a welcome: "Welcome to the Stone Tower Church. I'm (name), and I'm so happy that you've come to worship with us this morning. May I give you a bulletin? We would appreciate you signing our guest registry card. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to share any information I can with you." - To distribute bulletins. - If a guest is comfortable signing our registration card, encourage them. If they are worried and ask about being put on a mailing list, assure them that they won't. At most they will receive a postcard thanking them for attending. - Be discerning and sensitive to the needs of hurting people and respond quickly by reporting it to presiding elder or Pastor. - When serving, to work in close relationship with SS Superintendent, presiding Elder and Deacon. - If you cannot serve when you are scheduled, please find a replacement or trade dates with someone from among the other greeters. Then notify the Head Greeter of this change. - Take an interest in all who attend. Be as helpful as you can. Invite all GUEST when there is a Hospitality Luncheon and extend a cordial invitation to attend, expressing that we plan it for our guests. - Attempt to encourage folks visiting in foyer to go into the Sanctuary when services are taking place. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Love, Kindness, Friendliness\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Pastor and Church Board. ---- ====GUEST WELCOME CARE LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for organizing, arranging for training and supervising church “Greeters / Guest Care” Ministry, so all who attend our various meetings will feel welcomed and accepted. JOB DUTIES: - To train or arrange training for all greeters on how to greet members and guests warmly. - To organize a schedule for greeters to greet each Sabbath. - To encourage greeters to praying together before others arrive at church. - To chair the “Greeters / Guest Care Ministry Committee”. - To hold “Greeters / Guest Care Ministry” Meetings as needed throughout the year to: - Review needs of Ministry. - Review progress of Ministry. - To encourage greeters to be in the church by 9:00 am. To attend a SS class at 10:00 am, return to foyer at 10:40 am, go in to the church worship service at 11:30 am. Greeters should be encouraged to attend a SS class and the sermon time to receive a blessing. - To serve as a member of the Church Board. - To work closely with all Outreach/Evangelism Ministries Leaders and Pastor to coordinate guest care welcome at all major evangelism events. - To train someone to do your job SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Leadership, Love, Kindness, Friendliness\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Pastor and Church Board ---- ====HEALTH MINISTRY LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: To promote health education and increase the level of awareness and the practice of health principles in the local Church. “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God” (I Cor. 10:31). JOB DUTIES: - To keep church members aware of the importance of health. - To promote health every second week of October by planning a special program for Sabbath Worship Service. - To promote on the last Sabbath in February of each year the awareness of our health and temperance journals: - **The Winner** for children - **Listen** for teens - **Vibrant Life** for adults - Request a budget from the Finance Committee early in their fiscal year. - To Chair the Health Ministries Team Meetings. - To schedule dates for Health Ministry Meetings - Communicate dates of meetings and events to Church Office and Pastor. - Get the support of your pastor and church leaders for any project you undertake. - To educate new members on the significance of health and Adventist lifestyle. Here are a few suggestions: - Provide each new member with the pamphlet //Good Health in One Package//. This little pamphlet, available from //The Health Connection// catalogue, explains the eight basic principles of health and temperance. Call (1-800-548-8700). - Invite the new church members systematically, for the first few months at least to your home or to the church’s fellowship dinners, to acquaint them with vegetarian food. - Loan or give them one of the Ellen G. White health classics, especially //Ministry of Healing//. - Ask them to assist your local church in outreach programs. - Invite them to training seminars on health ministry; invite them to camp meeting or other special meetings on health. - To participate as a member of the Church Board and the Personal Ministries Council. - To organize and plan Health Ministry events with the Health Ministry Team Members. - To work with the Church Ministries Leadership Council to help coordinate your ministry events with other ministry leaders to plan a comprehensive, balanced church program. - Program development. Take the initiative with the Health Ministry Team in coordinating the planning and organization of health screening and health seminars for the public such as: Stop smoking plans, cooking schools, and seminars on nutrition, heart disease, stress management, cancer prevention, physical fitness, weight control and the Bible basis for healthful living, as well as screening projects for high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other health problems. There are available proven guidebooks and kits available. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration, Helps, Service, Evangelism, Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====HEALTH MINISTRY TEAM MEMBER==== JOB SUMMARY: To promote health education and increase the level of awareness and the practice of health principles in the local Church. “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God” (I Cor. 10:31). JOB DUTIES: - To attend Health Ministries Team Meetings. - To assist the Health Ministries Leader in the planning and coordinating of health awareness events for the church and the public. - To promote health every second week of October by planning a special program for Sabbath Worship Service. - To assist in promoting on the last Sabbath in February of each year the awareness of our health and temperance journals: - **The Winner** for children - **Listen** for teens - **Vibrant Life** for adults - To educate new members on the significance of health and Adventist lifestyle. Here are a few suggestions: - Provide each new member with the pamphlet //Good Health in One Package//. This little pamphlet, available from //The Health Connection// catalogue, explains the eight basic principles of health and temperance. Call (1-800-548-8700). - Invite the new church members systematically, for the first few months at least to your home or to the church’s fellowship dinners, to acquaint them with vegetarian food. - Loan or give them one of the Ellen G. White health classics, especially //Ministry of Healing//. - Ask them to assist your local church in outreach programs. - Invite them to training seminars on health ministry; invite them to camp meeting or other special meetings on health. - Program development. As a Health Ministry Team plan and coordinate the organization of health screening and health seminars for the public such as: Stop smoking plans, cooking schools, and seminars on nutrition, heart disease, stress management, cancer prevention, physical fitness, weight control and the Bible basis for healthful living, as well as screening projects for high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other health problems. There are available proven guidebooks and kits available. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Service, Evangelism, Encouragement\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====HOSPITALITY MINISTRY COUNCIL==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to working together with the Hospitality Ministry Leader for providing welcome hospitality luncheons for guest and engage Church Members to helping with providing food entrées for a welcoming guest luncheon. JOB DUTIES: - To work closely under the supervision of the Hospitality Ministry Leader. - Together with your Hospitality Team, plan and organize a Hospitality Luncheon for assigned Sabbaths. - Plan a menu. - Appoint a person to each table to be a table host. - Assign and distribute all Hospitality Luncheon responsibilities - Arrange to have tables and chairs set up for Sabbath Hospitality Luncheon in fellowship hall. - To organize and engage church members in providing cooked food entrées for Sabbath Hospitality Luncheons. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Helps\\ ACCOUINTABLE TO: Hospitality Luncheon Leader, Church Board ---- ====HOSPITALITY MINISTRY LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to organizing and supervising with the Hospitality Team the Hospitality Luncheon Ministry. JOB DUTIES: - To organize and work closely with each Hospitality Luncheon Team Leader. - To hold and chair meetings as determined with team leaders. - To assist team ministry leaders with training and help. - To organize and oversee stocked supplies. - To seek pastors’ assistance with engaging and inviting all members to participate in this ministry. - To serve as a member of the Church Board. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Administration, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====INVESTMENT LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for promoting Investment in the Sabbath School Departments. JOB DUTIES: - To promote Investment in each of the Sabbath School divisions. - To encourage every Sabbath School member to have an active Investment project. - To consider having members tell about their Investment projects during a SS program, bulletin announcements regarding ideas, etc., and personal announcements from the platform or a Church Newsletter. - To organize the collection of labels from accepting health food companies and send report to conference on provided forms - To attend the Sabbath School Council as a voting member. - To train someone to do your job. - Give monthly program reports - Percentage of members participating - Funds being raised for church and conference. - Inform members of where offering goes, which area of mission field will receive this year’s funds. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Giving\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board and SS Council and SS Superintendent. ---- ====LAY ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for representing the Church at Oregon Conference called Lay Advisory Committee meetings. JOB DUTIES: - To attend periodic meetings when they are called. - To act as authorized representative of the Church. - To vote at Lay Council meetings: - The Council convenes at the call of the Conference President. - It is a lay advisory body. - It acts as a sounding board. - Agenda items may be proposed by administration or members. - To report activities of meetings to the Church Board. - To serve for a three year term (coinciding with each regular Conference triennium) elected by Church Board or in a Church Business meeting. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Wisdom\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board. ---- ====PERSONAL MINISTRIES COUNCIL==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for leading, encouraging and training church members into active witnessing and service. See: Church Manual, Lay Activities Department. JOB DUTIES: - To make plans and recommendations to the Church Board regarding evangelistic outreach programs. Methods for Outreach Evangelism may include some of the following: - Public meetings - Community work projects - DVD lending library - Personal Bible Studies - Web evangelism - Community Seminars - Radio broadcasts - Television programs - To direct the church in the following specific areas of Christian service. - Literature distribution and circulation of missionary periodicals. (i.e. Signs, Listen) - Bible studies. - Visitation to all IIW, VOP, interests and follow up work. - Small growth groups. - Run a Bible Correspondence School - Door to door outreach - To meet monthly and maintain a yearly program of evangelism SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Faith, Missionary\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====BIBLE WORKER TRAINER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for training lay members in leading people to Jesus as their Savior and Lord through Bible studies and preparing them for baptism. JOB DUTIES: - To give training and instruction on how to give a Bible Study - To train church members on how to find Bible Study interests. - To prepare people for baptism. - To attend the monthly Personal Ministries Council meetings and give report of work done. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Teacher, Trainer\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Conference Executive Committee, Conference President, Church Board and Pastor. ---- ====EVANGELISM RESOURCES ROOM LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for overseeing and equipping the Evangelism Resources Room. JOB DUTIES: - - To attend Personal Ministries Council Meetings. - To render reports as to use of resources being used by church members. - To promote the use of the Evangelism Resources Room to all members. - To promote witnessing materials to congregation. - To announce what hours the Evangelism Resources Room will be open. - To organize and equip the Evangelism Resources Room with outreach materials for laity to use, such as DVD series, Bible Studies, witnessing literature, etc. - To maintain an inventory of all materials. - To request a budget to the Personal Ministries Council. - To place an order on special witnessing material for members when not in stock. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Helps, Administration\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Personal Ministries Council ---- ====INTEREST COORDINATOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for providing up-to-date records of those who have expressed an interest in the church, been through a series of meetings, have been attending worship services or other events. JOB DUTIES: - To gather and keep track of those interested in becoming members of the church, as well as those who have a more casual interest. - To keep an organized list of all interests received by the church from every source, such as community Service contacts, public evangelism meeting, Bible studies, member contact and witnessing contacts, outreach (missionary) magazines, Sabbath School evangelism, literature evangelism, health ministry evangelism, radio-TV, and church outreach (missionary) literature, vacation Bible school attendees, Seminar attendees, Sabbath Worship visitors, non-member church school children, Bible study Interests, prison ministry contacts. - To work with the pastor and Personal Ministries Council in the enlistment and recruitment of qualified laity for follow-up service. - To render to the Personal Ministries Council a monthly report on the number of interests received and the number followed up. When an interest is sufficiently developed, it should be shared with the pastor and PM leader. - Develop an interest file (preferably in a database spreadsheet format) or use “Disciples” interest tracking software program. - Carefully guard the interest list from improper use or abuse. The names in the interest file should never be given out without pastoral staff approval. They should be kept in strict privacy. Some of the possible uses of the names may include: - Including them on the mailing list for the church newsletter if they have made request for it. - Sending special notices for coming concerts, convocations or events of interest. - Sending notices about coming Bible study groups and evangelistic meetings, etc. - Contact them once a year (Christmas or Easter) to welcome them to a special Sabbath event. Note: As you set up your directory it will be useful to establish a method for rating the level of Interest for each person (see “Prospect Care Coordinator” inset). - Work with the church greeters to get accurate visitor/guest contact information. - Invite members to submit names of people they know who have an interest in the church. - To attend the monthly Personal Ministries Council Meeting - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Administration, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Personal Ministries Council and Pastor ---- ====PERSONAL MINISTRIES LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for leading, encouraging and organizing training for church members into active witnessing and service. Read: Department of Lay Activities, in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To make plans, in counsel with the Pastor, Personal Ministries Council and Church Board for the outreach programs of the church. - To direct the church in the following specific areas of Christian service. - Literature distribution and circulation of missionary periodicals. (Signs, Listen) - Bible studies. - Interest follow up work. - Small growth groups - Bible Correspondence School - To train members in outreach techniques by: - Organizing classes in how to give Bible studies etc. - Giving practical demonstrations in how to do this work. - To co-operate with the Personal Ministries Department of the local Conference in carrying out its programs. - To develop a year's program in advance with the pastor and the Personal Ministries Council. - To serve as a member of the Church Board. - To chair the monthly Personal Ministries Council Meetings. - On occasion to lead out during the five-minute personal ministries time between Sabbath school and the worship service. This time is utilized for personal ministries promotion referred. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism and Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Personal Ministries Committee and the Church Board. ---- ====PERSONAL MINISTRIES ASSISTANT LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for assisting the Personal Ministry Leader in helping with encouraging and organizing training for church members into active witnessing and service. Read: Department of Lay Activities, in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To attend monthly Personal Ministries Council Meetings. - To chair the Personal Ministries Council Meeting in the absence of PM Leader. - To assist with organizing and training members in outreach techniques by: - Organizing classes in how to give Bible studies, how to witness, etc. - To attend Church Board Meetings when PM Leader is not able to attend. - To help with the five-minute personal ministries time between Sabbath school and the worship service. This time is utilized for personal ministries promotion referred. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism and Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Personal Ministries Committee and the Church Board. ---- ====PERSONAL MINISTRIES SECRETARY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for the clerical aspects of the Personal Ministries Council. Read: Department of Lay Activities in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To attend monthly Personal Ministries Council Meetings. - To take minutes of Personal Ministries Council Meetings. - To work with the Personal Ministries Leader in obtaining orders during periodical campaigns, and send them to the conference office or ABC as directed. - To keep a record of orders and payments of periodicals by church members.- Actual payments are handled by church Treasurer. - To be responsible for collection of debits pertaining to periodicals and devotional book orders. - To complete "Church Personal Ministries Report" at end of each quarter if applicable. - To do secretarial work for the Personal Ministries Council as designated by the Personal Ministries Leader. - To order and fill literature rack in foyer with witnessing materials. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Administration\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board and Personal Ministries Council ---- ====PRISON MINISTRIES==== JOB SUMMARY: To provide the opportunity for every inmate in the State to have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ and be saved. JOB DUTIES: - To serve those in prison… “I was in prison and you came to Me.” (Matthew 25:36) - To develop, strengthen and expand a prison ministry in which members of the Church would have an opportunity to engage in this ministry. - To encourage all participants in this ministry to unite and coordinate efforts for the promulgation of the “everlasting everlasting Gospel ” to prisoners, former prisoners and their families/friends. - To work in complete harmony with the Conference Prison Ministries guidelines. - To provide adequate training and certification to those representing the Seventh -day Adventist Church and recognition by the prison institutions as an experienced ministry. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Love, Kindness, Friendliness, Service, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board. ---- ====RELIGIOUS LIBERTY MINISTRY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for coordinating Religious Liberty activities. Read: Department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To promote each January the circulation of "Liberty” A Magazine of Religious Freedom and other religious liberty literature. - To advise the church members concerning matters affecting religious liberty in the local area. - To organize and stimulate religious liberty meetings and programs as circumstances require. - To work with the Pastor and the North Pacific Union Religious Liberty Director in aiding individuals who are experiencing problems involving religious liberty. - To update the mailing list of subscriptions to liberty magazine that are being sent to local community leaders, libraries, schools etc. and return it as designated. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Administration\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board. ---- ====COMMUNITY SERVICES REPRESENTITIVE==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for informing the Church as to the work, progress and needs of the Adventist Community Service Center. JOB DUTIES: - - To give a yearend report at a Business Meeting. - To attend and represent the Church on the Adventist Community Service Center Board. - To communicate to church of special projects from the Community Service Center through Church Bulletin Announcement, Church Newsletter or an oral announcement. - To participate as a member of the Church Board. - To encourage church members to volunteer at Community Service Center as needed. - To provide a comprehensive statistical report at least once a year from the Center to the Church at a Business Meeting. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Love, Kindness, Friendliness, Service, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Pastor and Church Board ---- ====COMMUNITY SERVICES LEADER==== DUTIES OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES LEADER The major functions and tasks of the local Church Community Service Leader are the following: - - **Discovering the Needs of the Community**. A needs assessment of your area should be completed every two or three years by visual inspection; by talking with police, fire, mental health, and welfare authorities; by reviewing the news media; and by conducting surveys. A methodology for conducting a community survey has been published in chapter 4 of Ministries of Compassion (AdventSource 1994). - **Mobilizing a Response to Specific Concerns**. It is your responsibility to help your church identify social concerns to which it feels called to respond. Usually this decision will be made in the outreach or personal ministries committee Once the decision is made you will have the task of getting the word out and arousing the congregation to action. To learn how to mobilize and organize the church members for outreach, see Ministries of Compassion, chapter 3. - **Organization of Programs**. You will be asked to recruit volunteers and arrange details of disaster relief programs, entry events (activities through which non-members participate for the first time in a church-sponsored activity), and other social action projects. These will include health screening, aid for the poor, literacy and employment assistance, and inner city programs. - **Establish Cooperation**. The community services director is asked to work with other organizations in the community so the church does not duplicate services. Contracts have been negotiated at national levels with the Red Cross and government agencies specifying what Adventist Community Services will do in the event of major disasters and related to certain social problems. Similar agreements are needed in your area. This may mean that you, or someone you appoint, will meet regularly with inter-agency committees to represent the Adventist Church. - **Communication**. You are the person the congregation expects to keep it posted about Adventist Community Services and Adventist Development and Relief Agency activities, as well as provide information on current issues. This means that you will want to utilize the personal ministries time once a month (as outlined in denominational policy), prepare announcements for the bulletin and church newsletter, and distribute a comprehensive statistical report at least once a year. Since the yearly "Ingathering" appeal is a major source of funds for community services, the community service leader will want to be involved. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Love, Kindness, Friendliness, Services, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Pastor and Church Board. ---- =====CONGRAGATIONAL SUPPORT MINISTRIES JOB DESCRIPTIONS===== ---- ====DEACON==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for carrying out the duties listed below. To serve when called upon at all church services and other tasks as requested by the Head Deacon or Pastor. JOB DUTIES: - To attend Board of Deacon’s Meetings. - To collect Tithes and Offerings during Worship Service or other services when assigned. - To assist when called upon to help with church building projects and needs - To assist in the celebration of the ordinances of the church such as Communion. - Serving Communion - Setup for Ritual of Humility (foot washing service) - To assist with baptismal services. - Prepare Baptismal tank when requested or assigned. - Assist male candidates when requested or assigned. - To usher for Church Services when requested. - To unlock the church when assigned for all church services and **MAKE SURE BUILDING IS SECURELY LOCKED AFTER SERVICES and SET CHURCH ALARM.** If people are still in building, assign a ministry team member that is sponsoring event set alarm and lock doors. If event is downstairs, secure all West doors in church foyer, lock North office door entrance and leave South East door unlock and inform assign person that all doors are locked except SE entrance. - To assist an elder or pastor when called upon in taking communion to shut-ins. - To serve our visitors and members politely and professionally during all church services. - To follow Deacon Guidelines & Church Manual. - To TACTFULLY stop any running, loud, inappropriate talk or behavior, by either children or adults. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Hospitality\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Head Deacon, Board of Deacons, Church Board, Pastor. **DEACON GUIDELINES** - To always making a positive impression on all members and visitors! - On duty at 8:45 a.m. - To wear a sport coat and tie. - Be alert to all guests and our member’s needs. (Handicapped, elderly, injured, mothers with small children, etc.). - Record any complaints and turn them into the Head Deacon and they will be discussed at the next Deacons meeting. - Remind tactfully anyone who is horsing around or running to please settle down. Be especially alert to unsupervised children. Tactfully ask them to sit quietly under your watchful eye or encourage them to return to their parents. - Pick up any visible litter and dispose of it properly. - When asking for help in collecting offerings. Do not ask youth or others to collect offering if the person is not appropriately dress, for instance: No shoes, very short dress, low necked dress, wearing shorts, inappropriately tight clothing, look before you ask. - Remember to always SMILE. It is quite contagious! - At end of worship service place cover on the piano. - Turn off all lights upstairs and down. If people are still in Sanctuary visiting, inform them that you will be turning of lighting. If event is taking place downstairs, assign a ministry team member of event that you are leaving and for them to make sure are light are turn off, security alarm is set and doors locked. - Turn off all fans. - Shut all windows. - Make sure all equipment has been return to proper place. - Check all restrooms: Leave doors in open position. Check that all toilets have been flushed. If people are still in building, inform them that you are leaving and assign someone who is a member and know to please see that all lights are turned off, security alarm is set and building locked. - Lock all doors. ---- ====DEACON (LEADER)==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for the administration and organization of the Board of Deacons for services. Read job description in church manual. JOB DUTIES: - To organize the deacons when requested in order to help keep the church building in repair. - To schedule the deacons to assist in the celebration of the ordinances of the church. - To schedule deacons to assist male candidates at baptismal services. - To schedule ushers for Sabbath school and church when requested. - To schedule deacons to open and close church on Sabbath. - To plan and supervise all Sabbath morning deacon duties. - To chair the Board of Deacons meeting. Frequency of meetings to be determine in discussion with pastor. - To serve as a member of the Church Board, Worship Committee, Building & Grounds Committee. - To check on Special Sabbaths with the pastor for any special instructions. - To work with the Head Deaconess in planning and organizing church Work Bees every year. - When needing assistance with duties on Sabbath services ask elders to assist before asking a church members, when asking members make sure they are dressed appropriately, and adequately instructed in the "what" and "how". - To train Assistant Deacon to do your job. - To schedule training sessions for deacons in consultation with the pastor. - To TACTFULLY stop any running, loud, inappropriate talk or behavior by either children or adults in the foyer, between services and after church is dismissed. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Servant, Hospitality, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Board of Deacons, Finance Committee, and Worship Committee. ---- ====DEACON (ASSISTANT LEADER)==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible in assisting the Head Deacon and to fulfill his job when called upon. Read job description in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To serve the church as a faithful deacon. - To assist the Head Deacon as requested. - To serve as a member of the Board of Deacons. - To assist the Head Deacon in supervising the work of Deacons when scheduled. - To follow Deacon Guidelines. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Hospitality, Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Head Deacon, Board of Deacons, and the Church Board ---- ====DEACONESS==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to minister hospitably to all members of the church and assist in the church ordinances. Read job description in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To assist at Communion by: - Providing unleavened bread and grape juice. - Arrange the emblems and covering on communion table. - To assist in women's ordinance of Humility by handing filled basins of water and towels to participants. - Make sure visitors, new members and disabled persons are served. - Clean and store linens and serving pieces used in the communion services. - Cover and uncover the table at the Pastor's direction. - To assist in baptism's by: - Prepare the robes for all candidates and Pastor. - Assist female candidates. - Launder, store robes and all linens used after the ceremony. - To assist in encourage those sick, in need and visit all shut-in members on a regular basis. - To help with providing food for funerals when requested by the Head Deaconess. - To launder Infant Room crib sheets. - To participate in the spring and fall cleaning bees. - To train someone to do your job. - To follow the direction of the Head Deaconess. - To attend the Board of Deaconesses meetings. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Helps, Encouragement\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board, the Board of Deaconesses and Head Deaconess. ---- ====DEACONESS (LEADER)==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, directing and delegating the Deaconesses to meet the hospitality needs of the church. Read job description in church manual. JOB DUTIES: - To organize the Communion service. - Provide bread and grape juice. - Set up for Communion Service the night before it is scheduled. - Set up portable service containers for pastor and elders to take to shut-ins. - Assign laundering of towels, table-clothes after each service. - Assign washing of glasses and all Communion ware and have them stored in proper location. - To properly handle the disposing of the left over bread and juice. Note: The bread is to be burned or buried and the juice is to be poured on the ground as an offering to the Lord. - Arrange for deaconesses to assist in women's ordinance of humility, filling basins, handing out towels. - To work closely with the Head Deacon in planning and organizing the spring and fall cleaning bees. - To chair the Board of Deaconesses. - To participate as a member of the Church Board. - To organize the following: - To organize Deaconesses when called upon by the Shut-Ins Ministry to assist with visitation to shut-ins and any others who need encouragement. Give pastor reports on visitation. - Help with providing food for families following a death or illness. - Greet all who come to church or other services with open friendliness. - Organize deaconesses to help with Ordinance of Humility and Communion Services. - Prepare robes, towels, etc. for baptismal service and assist female candidates. - See that all linens used are properly laundered and returned to proper storage. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Hospitality, Mercy, Discernment, Faithfulness\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Board of Deaconesses, Pastor ---- ====DEACONESS (ASSISTANT LEADER)==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to assisting the Head Deaconess and to fulfill her job when scheduled or requested. Read job description in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To serve the church as a faithful deaconess. - To assist the Head Deaconess as requested. - To serve as a member of the Board of Deaconess. - To supervise the work of the Deaconesses when scheduled or requested by the Head Deaconess. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Hospitality, Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Head Deaconess, Board of Deaconesses, and the Church Board ---- ====FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY==== JOB SUMMARY: To provide direction and oversight to promote healthy family nurture and interaction. Because we all come from families (of various make-ups and descriptions), and continue to belong to families, they play an extremely important role in society and the church. A Family Ministries Committee therefore should give careful study as to how to meet the needs of families in the Church. JOB DUTIES: - To give focus to family life issues by providing the following but not limited to: - Seminars - Special Sabbaths - A family-oriented newsletter - Establish and maintain a webpage on church website - Build a Video library in Church Library - Invite guest speakers - Positive role modeling - Resource awareness - A Special Sabbath school class - Recreational activities - Mother/daughter retreats - Father/son retreats - To give periodic progress reports to the Church Board. - To work and check with the Oregon Conference Family Life Ministries for support and become aware of available resources. - To write out a mission statement so that everyone knows exactly what you are trying to do. - To decide what you can reasonably accomplish over the twenty four months. - To bring your mission statement and activity proposal to the Church Board to get affirmation and approval. - To make sure your presentation includes a schedule of anticipated costs. If you don't already have funding, seek assistance from the Church Board. Some of the activities may generate income to help reduce your expenses. Make note of these. Demonstrate that you have given diligent study to your proposal. - When possible it is always a great idea that the Family Life Ministry Committee have a balanced gender and ethnic representation. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration, Leadership, Helps, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====PRAYER MINISTRY TEAM ==== SUMMARY: To give prayer a higher profile in our church. Prayer should be the backbone of every member, family, church, and ministry organization. JOB DUTIES: - To develop a prayer ministry by the following but not limited to: - Hold a prayer breakfast to kick off your prayer ministry - Plan a special prayer Sabbath where prayer is the emphasis - Set up a prayer partner program in your church - Establish prayer teams to pray for specific people and needs - Promote prayer journaling - Coordinate people to pray during your worship service - Set up a prayer chain among the church family - Put a box in church lobby for prayer requests - Share the requests anonymously during your worship service - Coordinate prayer following church worship service - To schedule Prayer Ministry Committee meetings to review progress and finding new ways to giving prayer a higher profile in our church. - To work closely with the Telephone Prayer Chain. - To work closely with the pastor. - To find ways in how our church can plug into the Power of Prayer on all fronts. - To work as a Prayer Ministry Team! - To communicate the following as our mission statement: Pray to hear His voice, To know Him better, To be cleansed by His blood, To be filled with His Spirit, To be energized for service, To be fruitful and productive, To be healed by His power, To be changed from the inside, To be ready for His Coming! SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration, Leadership, Helps, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====TELEPHONE PRAYER MINISTRY==== SUMMARY: To receive prayer requests from anyone in need of prayer. JOB DUTIES: - To have the Faith to believe that God answers Prayer. - To intercede on behalf of those who request Prayer. - To assist the Prayer Ministry Team and pastor. - To faithfully participate as a member of the Telephone Prayer Ministry. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Prayer Ministry Team ---- ====SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MINISTRY COUNCIL==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning and organizing church socials that are aimed at encouraging fellowship among members. JOB DUTIES: - **//To Plan//**. It is important to plan well ahead. In today's world many church members have busy, packed schedules and if they do not have advance knowledge of an event for several weeks, they will not be able to attend. It is also true that to produce an excellent activity that makes people feel good about their church family and really enjoy themselves, takes time for careful preparation. Start by planning socials around holidays: Mother’s Day, Christmas, Valentines, Etc. - //**Assign Hosts and Hostesses**//. Do not forget that the most important element in any church social is the people. Committee members should be assigned to serve as hosts and hostesses for each event, and those with this assignment should be freed of details like preparing food, setting up tables and chairs, etc., so they can concentrate on greeting each person as he or she arrives, introducing those who do not know one another very well, watching the flow of conversation so that no one is left out, and generally supervising the relational elements of the activity. These little communication tasks are sometimes ignored and as a result new people in the group feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. - **//Take Care of Details and Arrangements//**. Each event requires a lot of errands, purchases of supplies, setup of furniture and equipment, creation of decorations and handouts, and many other preparations. The members of the social committee are all expected to share in these tasks, and it will destroy the value of the event if some on the committee have to carry an undue share of the burden. It is essential that the coordinator assigned to each event make up a detailed check-list well in advance and assign each item to someone on the committee. - **//To Recruit and Managing Volunteers//**. The crew that does the work at any church social is made up of volunteers, not paid employees. It has to be recruited and supervised with the utmost care. Successful social committee chairpersons are those who learn how to see that volunteers "get paid." Not with money, but with friendship, a sense of usefulness, opportunities for creativity and the joy of seeing church members come closer together and enjoy times of real fellowship. - **//Be Creative.//** The congregation has a right to expect the social committee will plan and produce events that have a touch of beauty, quality and creativity. A sense of "specialness" must touch each freshly baked role, bowl of fruit, decorative flower display, and linen tablecloth, as well as the high school photos of the honored guests mounted on the bulletin board or the favorite hymn of the new pastor sung by the guest musician, or whatever item is appropriate! Remember that our God is the creator of all that is spectacular and winsome in the world around us and that He wants us to share with Him the joy of the exquisite. It takes a little extra thinking and effort to come up with these special touches, but it is worth it because it tells those who participate that your congregation cares. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Friendliness, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MINISTRY LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for directing the Social Activities Ministry Council in the planning of church socials activities. JOB DUTIES: - To schedule planning sessions with the social Activities Ministry Council. - To plan a church social events for the church. Remembering the various age groups and interests. - To organize the work of directing the various programs through the social activities council. - To have Social Activities Council elect a secretary to take minutes of all social activities council meetings. - To work with the pastor and church Secretary regarding communicating information to congregation and for scheduling events. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Administration,\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====VISITATION TEAM MINISTRY==== JOB SUMMARY: To care for, challenge to grow and support members in their times of difficulty by organizing a planned ministry of visitation. JOB DUTIES: - **//To Visit New Members//**. Unless a newly baptized or recently transferred member becomes friends with at least seven compatible individuals during the first six months, it is highly likely they will quit attending. Several visits should be made in those six months to find out about the new member and get them involved in ministry in the church, to identify the kind of friends that will be most appropriate and to invite them to events where they can make friends. - **//To Contact Visitors//**. Each new person who shows up on Sabbath and lives in the area should be contacted as soon as possible. It is usually most appropriate for a first-time visitor to be contacted by telephone, and often the prospect care coordinator (or interest coordinator) will make this call. Once a visitor has returned, or requested a house call, then the name will be given to one of the visitation teams. In this visit it is important to use listening skills to find out: - What has motivated attendance at church. - What is happening with this person and how can we care for them? - Is this a former Adventist or a friend or relative of an Adventist? - Have they ever attended Adventist programs such as a stop-smoking plan, family life workshop or Bible seminar? - **//To Visit Inactive//**. When a person breaks their regular routine of church attendance with no simple explanation such as vacation or business travel, it can be "a cry for help." They are experiencing some pain in their lives and have found it more comfortable to quit attending than to continue. Often the source of pain has nothing directly to do with the church, but is complicated because their regular friends in the congregation are not responding to their needs. For example, when a church member goes through a divorce it is common for the other church members to back off from contact because they "don't know what to say." The visitation team has the task of arranging for a contact immediately to listen, try to identify the real source of pain and help them bear that burden. If members or non-members that have stopped attending are visited promptly-within six weeks of the attendance break, nine out of ten will return to the church. - **//To Visit Members who are Hurting//**. People who are hospitalized, individuals who are terminally ill as well as their families, persons who are separated or in the process of divorce, those having an unplanned pregnancy, individuals and families of those who are in trouble with the law, families who must put a loved one in a nursing home, parents with handicapped children, the bereaved including parents suffering a miscarriage, those shut-in at home or institutionalized, those who have lost their job, and members struggling with their faith in God all deserve a visit from the church. The visitation team plays a key role in meeting this need because in a typical congregation at any one time fully one quarter of the members may fall into one of these categories and the pastor, who usually has more than one responsibility, cannot carry the full load. - **//To Visit at the Time of Life Events//**. Occasions of joy, as well as pain, need the participation of the church in order to bring them into spiritual focus. Members of the Visitation Team will be asked to contact parents whose children are leaving home for school, people getting married, families having a graduation, couples experiencing the birth of a child, people in the process of moving in or out of town, and those who are retiring. - **//Yearly Contact//**. In healthy churches each member household gets a visit at least once a year. It may simply be a "listening visit" to get their input regarding the church program. This goal cannot be achieved in most congregations unless lay visitors help it happen. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Kindness, Helps, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Visitation Ministry Committee ---- ====VISITATION TEAM LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: To administer a planned visitation program that cares and support members and non-members. JOB DUTIES: - To chair the Visitation Teams Board. - To direct and oversee the visitation of Visitation Teams - To work closely with the Interest Coordinator, Head Deaconess and Pastor for leads to visitation. - To consult with pastor to plan training for all visitation teams. - To engage members into visitation ministry. - To give reports of Visitation Teams Ministry when requested. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Hospitality, Kindness, Helps, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Pastor ---- ====SHUT-IN CONTACT MINISTRY==== SUMMARY: To truly show that we care for the sick and shut-in by going to where the sick and shut-ins are. We must go to their homes, hospitals, assisted living facilities and nursing homes. JOB DUTIES: - To maintain caring support with those who are unable to attend church services due to being ill at home, in hospitals, convalescent or nursing facilities. - To assist church secretary in keeping up to date contact information of all shut-ins: phone number, home address, email, etc. - To communicate to all shut-ins that have access to the Church website, that they are welcome to stay in touch by joining our worship services each week by livestream. - To make contact by phone or a visit and to develop a relationship/friendship. - To offer assistance in meeting a need that a shut-in may have by asking for help from head deacon or head deaconess and pastor if needed. - To offer prayer by phone or when visiting and put on prayer chain with prayer is needed for a shut-in. - To encourage shut-ins in their relationship with God. - To maintain an up to date list of all shut-ins by checking with church Secretary and pastor. - To give reports to pastor as to any special needs or concerns regarding a shut-in. - To work with pastor or head elder in supporting and building the Shut-ins Ministry. - To ask for training from pastor for the Shut-ins Ministry. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Hospitality, Kindness, Helps, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====SINGLES MINISTRIES LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for chairing the Singles Ministry Team and directing planned ministry events. JOB DUTIES: - To form and chair a Singles Ministry Council. - To plan and develop activities/events/programs that will meet the spiritual, social, and emotional needs of church singles. - To delegate responsibilities to engage as many individuals as possible in planned programs. - To organize small Bible studies group(s) which can meet either during Sabbath School or during the week. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. - To coordinate singles activities with Church Calendar. Though singles need their own activities, they also should be encouraged to participate in church events. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Leadership, Hospitality, Administration\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====SMALL GROUPS COORDINATOR:==== JOB SUMMARY: To lead in the establishment & instruction of small groups in the church. The life of a church is best nurtured through small groups. They provide safety zones where people can study God's Word, pray, share their thoughts, make friends, and utilize their spiritual gifts. While they may not see themselves as such, small groups (special interest groups) already exists in your church. Whether it be a group of moms who informally gathers to share parenting notes, or your church choir, Pathfinder club, the social committee, the church greeters, cycling enthusiasts, quilt-makers and other hobbyists, these "small groups" of people already move in defined circles through their associated tasks or interests. A natural step would be to encourage these interest clusters to view themselves as a small group and move in the direction of operating as such. This works best when a church-wide effort is made to encourage and foster the formation of small groups. A great way to promote and encourage the formation of small groups is to establish a general framework for small groups in your church that groups can use as a launching tool. This framework should consist of a definition of purpose, a biblical mandate or mission statement, and other operational guidelines. Once they have the basic framework, they can decide how they define and personalize their particular group. Much can be learned from those who have pioneered small group ministries. If you want to be a successful small group coordinator, consider sharing these pointers with each small group leader: Fundamentally the church is a fabric of relationships. Jesus gives a clear command to love each other (John 13:34, 35), with His love for us being the standard. Throughout the New Testament there are specific suggestions about church relationships. Congregations are to care for each other and give attention to the needs of each other: (1 Corinthians 12:25; Philippians 2:4), forbear and forgive (Ephesians 2: 2, 32), defer to each other (Ephesians 5:21), bear each other's burdens (Galatians 6:2), teach and admonish each other (Colossians 3:16, 17), encourage and build up one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11), confess and pray together (James 5:16), and love each other (1 John 3:22, 23; 4:4, 11). To be a Christian is to join a body whose head is Jesus Christ. It is a theological contradiction to become a Christian and then live in isolation and independence. Since building relationships is a primary function of the church then it must provide settings and structures that give opportunities for this to happen. Experience has demonstrated that the small group is one of the best vehicles for the church to become what God intends it to be—a people sharing Christ, meeting each other's needs and reaching out in love to the world. - To chair Small Groups Ministry Council. - To meet regularly with Small Group Leaders. - To organize a new small group when needed. - To train someone to do your job, mentorship. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Hospitality, Mercy, Discernment, Faithfulness\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Congregational Support Council, Pastor ---- ====SMALL GROUP LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: To facilitate by leading out a small group. JOB DUTIES: - To see that the following tasks are followed: - Preparations. Before the meeting pray for yourself and for all who are coming. - Arrangements: Make sure that the following details are taken care of: location, seating, Bibles, temperature, food, child care, music, materials, etc.? - Relationships: How will you help people to feel cared for and caring? What will you do to help people get to know each other and build positive relationships among the members of the group? - Study Topic or Task: What steps will you follow to accomplish the task or go through the study? You will want to make a list of questions you will use and estimate the time each will take. What are your goals for the praying time? What will be your prayer format? Who will pray? - Time: How much time is available and how will you divide it? Block out the time into major segments and jot down the activity to be done in each segment. What is your "real" starting time? Your firm closing time? How will you open and close each segment? Are you attempting too much? Too little? Do you want to ask other people to take responsibility for some segments at this meeting? - Facilitator. During the group meeting the most important function of the leader is to ask questions. As group leader you are not the expert lecturer but the facilitator for discussion and sharing. Be sensitive to individual needs. Try to create a climate of openness and acceptance through affirmation and encouragement. You will direct the flow of discussion by making sure everyone has an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings. Try to keep the discussion on the subject. Make sure everyone in the group can see each other by arranging the chairs in a circle and removing the empty chairs. The leader helps the group members to be personal by sensitively asking questions that enable them to share openly without feeling coerced, intimidated or put on the spot. You will also need to deal with the problem of those who talk too much. Help the group focus on solutions rather than only problems. Ask questions that help people be positive and affirmative about themselves and other group members. - Caring for Individuals. Outside the group meetings the leader stays in touch with group members by phone. You are the lay pastor of the people in your group. Watch for those who seem to be hurting or have questions during the meetings. A prime time to offer care and support is during the informal conversation immediately following group meetings. Try to plan your time so you can stay by. But don't let troubled people consume your time and energy. Be free to say, "You seem to be hurting a lot. How can I assist you in getting help? - Outreach. A healthy group always "keeps an empty chair" for new people. One of the tasks of the leader is to find likely group members, invite them to try the meetings, and help the group to make them feel comfortable and safe. You should watch for visitors on Sabbaths, newcomers in the community, individuals going through lonely times in their lives and especially unchurched friends and acquaintances who seem to be opening up to spiritual things. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Hospitality, Mercy, Discernment, Faithfulness\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Congregational Support Council, Pastor ---- ====WOMEN'S MINISTRY LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to organize, plan and direct programs that will meet the unique spiritual and emotional needs of the churh's women. JOB DUTIES: - To work with a small administrative committee of three or more active members to make plans and schedule events. - To communicate with Church Office and the Pastor when scheduling programs. - To develop and conduct a wide variety of programs and activities, that will meet the various contemporary needs of a diverse female membership. - To serve as the church's Women's Ministries representative to the Oregon Conference. - To encourage and facilitate meaningful spiritual, mental, emotional growth among the women of the church. - To assist the Conference Women’s Ministry Director when asked in planning meetings that are for the benefit of all the women of the Oregon Conference. - To assist when asked to work with Conference and Union Directors in other programming for women as needed. - To serve as a communicator of news of interest to women that is disseminated from the Division, Union, and Conference Women's Ministries programs. - To attend the church's Congregational Support Ministries Meetings and provide list of goals and objectives for the current and coming year. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Administration, Shepherding\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ===== SPIRITUAL GROWTH MINISTRIES JOB DESCRIPTIONS===== ---- ====DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: To provide leadership in assimilating new members and church membership into church life through discipleship awareness and involvement. JOB DUTIES - To provide oversight and direction by: - Developing of a comprehensive discipleship strategy. - Enlisting and training responsible discipleship leaders. - To oversee that all new baptized members follow through the church's Discipleship Program. - To work with and under the direction of the senior pastor as a member of the pastoral team to enable the church to focus on the Great Commission and to equip the church to carry out the five functions of the New Testament church: evangelism, discipleship, ministry, fellowship, and worship. - To live an exemplary life modeling the call, character, and competencies becoming a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. - To invite and encourage people to be involved in discipleship experiences. - To manages and coordinate the enlistment and work of other discipleship leaders. This includes making sure leaders have the resources they need. - To meets regularly (monthly or quarterly) with the Discipleship Training leadership team (all Discipleship Training leaders) to plan, evaluate, and dialogue. - To looks for new opportunities to involve people in discipleship. This can include launching new types of ministry or by expanding existing areas, such as starting a new ongoing group. - To coordinates the work of Discipleship Training with other church programs and ministries. - To serve as member of the church board. - To chair the Discipleship Training Leadership Team. - To affirm, encourage, and pray for discipleship leaders. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Helps, Leadership, Teacher, \\ ACCOUNTALBE TO: Church Board, Pastoral Team, ---- ====DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY TEAM==== JOB SUMMARY: To provide leadership in assimilating new members and church membership into church life through discipleship awareness and involvement. JOB DUTIES - To provide oversight and direction by: - Developing of a comprehensive discipleship strategy. - Enlisting and training responsible discipleship leaders. - To oversee that all newly baptized members follow through the church's Discipleship Program. - To support and assist the Discipleship Ministry Leader. - To lead church through Discipleship Ministry to focus on the Great Commission and to equip the church to carry out the five functions of the New Testament church: evangelism, discipleship, ministry, fellowship, and worship. - To invite and encourage people to be involved in discipleship experiences. - To manage and coordinate the enlistment and work of other discipleship leaders. This includes making sure leaders have the resources they need. - To meets regularly (monthly or quarterly) with the Discipleship Training Leadership Team (all Discipleship Training participants) to plan, evaluate, and dialogue. - To assist with looking for new opportunities to involve people in discipleship. This can include launching new types of ministry or by expanding existing areas, such as starting a new ongoing group. - To assist with coordinating the work of Discipleship Training with other church programs and ministries. - To affirm, encourage, and pray for the church's Discipleship Ministry. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Helps, Leadership, Evangelism, Administration \\ ACCOUNTALBE TO: Church Board, Pastoral Team ---- ====LIBRARY MINISTRY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for managing the church library in such a way that it can be used, as a tool to serve the educational and spiritual needs of the church. JOB DUTIES: - To know that people come to the librarian not only for help in selecting material, but also for spiritual help. - To know as much as possible about the operation of all phases of church life, (e.g. Sabbath School, youth work, evangelism programs, women's groups, and men's groups). A church librarian must be familiar with Christian literature and eager to learn more about it. While a church librarian doesn't need prior library experience, he/she does need a reasonable aptitude and willingness to learn basic library skills and procedures. - To have a desire to infect others with his/her own enthusiasm for books. A good librarian will consider his/her primary task to be getting the right material to the right person at the right time. - To dedicate both the time and energy to the development of church library. - To set annual goals and objectives for the church library, and report those goals and objectives to the Church Board or to the congregation at a Business Meeting. - To pray as librarian to have success and be a blessing to the church body of believers. - If needed, recruit a library assistant to help with the church library. - To report regularly to the Church Board and the congregation on issues pertaining to the church library. - To catalog all library books, videotapes, DVD’s and CD's, and keep the catalog current. - To choose all new books and non-printed materials in consultation with the Pastor and library assistants. - To weed the library in consultation with the Pastor and library assistant. - To supervise all book processing, filing, typing of catalog cards, and shelving of books. - To purchase supplies and furnishings as needed and in accordance with the library budget. - To repair and mend damaged materials. - To contact the appropriate person for overdue materials. - To supervise inventory of all library materials once every year. - To organize book weeks, open houses, design bulletin boards, bookmarks, news articles, flyers, and other promotional items and events related to church library. - To make acknowledges for donations to the church library. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Helps, Administration, Wisdom, Knowledge\\ ACCOUNTALBE TO: Church Board, Office Administration ---- ====SS SUPERINTENDENT==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for the overall organization and management of the Sabbath School. Responsible for planning and carrying out the program for the adult Sabbath School Division. Read: The Sabbath School in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To see that all departments are functioning properly and positively, according to the Sabbath School manual published by the General Conference Sabbath School Department. - To give guidance and encouragement to division leaders. - To promote the General Conference Sabbath School objectives: - Every church member and child in regular attendance at Sabbath School. - Daily Study of the Bible. - Systematic liberal gifts for missions and Sabbath School expenses. - To see that each class has adequate help, supplies, equipment and budget. - To work with the Sabbath School Secretary in keeping adequate records and making reports. - To encourage reclaiming missing members and evangelistic outreach through SS Classes. - To chair the regular quarterly Sabbath School Council meetings. - To promote attendance at the Conference sponsored Sabbath School workshop meetings. - To schedule the Sabbath School Assistant Superintendents and publish this schedule well in advance. - To train someone to do your job. - To serve as a member of the Church Board. SPIRITAUL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Administration\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Sabbath School Council ---- ====SS ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to help the Sabbath School Superintendent manage and conduct the overall organization of the Sabbath School. Read "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To lead out as scheduled during the Adult Sabbath School program. - To assist the Sabbath School Superintendent when requested. - To involve participation in the SS morning programs. - To encourage reclaiming missing members and evangelistic outreach through SS Classes - To promote the General Conference Sabbath School objectives: - Every church member in regular attendance at Sabbath School. - Daily Study of the Bible. - Systematic liberal gifts for missions and Sabbath School expenses. - To serve and attend SS Council Meetings. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Faith, Encouragement\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Superintendent, SS Council, Church Board ---- ====SS SECRETARY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for distributing Sabbath School supplies, collecting record cards, offering, and keeping statistical records for the Sabbath School department. Read: "The Sabbath School" in the Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To schedule and coordinate all SS Assistant Secretaries. - To compile and send a quarterly report to the Conference Sabbath School Secretary and other designated personnel. - To receive, distribute mail supplies and teaching materials to the leaders and teachers. - To keep record of Sabbath School membership and attendance. - To pick up class cards and offerings from classes and give to Church Treasurer. - To do secretarial work for the SS Department as designated by the Sabbath School Superintendent. - To record the minutes at the S.S. Council meetings. Send email to SS Council members or copy minutes to distribute at next Sabbath School Council meeting. - To place orders for supplies for each S.S. Department and to periodically evaluate standing orders to see that there are sufficient supplies as well as to discourage waste. - To serve as a member of the Sabbath School Council. - To assist in keeping record of all Children Division budget expenses when requested. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sabbath School Superintendent, SS Council, Church Board. ---- ====SS ASSISTANT SECRETARY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to assist the Sabbath School Secretary in distributing SS supplies, collecting records cards, offerings and keeping statistical records for the Sabbath School department. Read: "The Sabbath School" in the Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To assist the Sabbath School Secretary as requested. - To receive, distribute mail supplies and teaching materials to the various leaders and teachers. - To keep records of Sabbath School membership and attendance if requested - To serve as a member of the Sabbath School Council. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Administration\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sabbath School Secretary, Sabbath School Superintendent, Church Board ---- ====SS ADULT TEACHER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and have personal concern for members and visitors. Adult Sabbath School Teachers are chosen by the Sabbath School Council. JOB DUTIES: - To welcome visitors and class members warmly. - To begin class with prayer. - To see that class record and mission offering are taken. - To encourage a daily Bible and lesson study plan. - To prepare for and teach the Sabbath School lesson. The SS quarterly is only a guide. - To make the lessons relevant to our lives today and Christ-centered. - To be very sensitive to non-SDA visitors. Support all remarks from the Bible and refrain from using Adventist jargon and clichés unique to our theology and culture. - To work closely with the SS Superintendent. - To encourage class growth by inviting visitors, friends, and missing members to join class. - To promote a caring class attitude by following up on missing members. Involve class members in this task. Delegate, then follow up the next Sabbath. Ask for a report. - At all cost, avoid lecturing. Ask questions. Lead a discussion. Be a learner along with the class members. Don't assume you have to know it all, but study to be well prepared. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Knowledge, Wisdom, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Council, SS Superintendent, Church Board ---- **Other duties of the Sabbath School Adult Teacher/Leader** In the class setting there is an interchange of ideas that is non-threatening, a sharing of faith and Biblical instruction. Friendships are made in the circle of fellowship; A sense of community is built up. Questions are asked and answered in an informal setting. As a Sabbath School class Teacher/ Leader, you have a sacred responsibility to share your personal experience, as well as knowledge. "Those who teach in the Sabbath School must have their hearts warmed and invigorated by the truth of God, being not hearers only, but also doers of the Word. They should be nourished in Christ as the branches are nourished in the vine." (Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p 94.) 1. Preparation. Before opening God's Word to teach, there should be more preparation than a brief perusal on Friday night. A good habit to establish is to spend a concentrated hour on Sabbath afternoon becoming familiar with the main points of the new lesson. During the rest of the week you can dig for more material. 2. Helping everyone feel welcome. At the beginning of each class meeting, it is essential to make newcomers, as well as regular members, feel welcome. A simple question like "What has your week been like?" can help everyone to feel cared for and let go of the worries of the week and concentrate on Bible study. A good question with new people is "Where is your church home?" It can give you a lot of information and help you to know how best to minister to them. Keep some extra quarterlies on hand to give to those who may not have one and invite newcomers to participate in the lesson study. If your church has a fellowship dinner, invite them to attend. Or a good missionary project for your family would be to invite visitors to your home for Sabbath dinner. 3. Serving as the "Undershepherd" of the Class. The Sabbath School class is the most important fellowship unit in the church. For most of your class members it is the primary place where they receive support and friendship. It is your responsibility as the class leader to enable this to happen. It is recommended that you have a "shepherding time" or "sharing time" preceding the lesson discussion. Announcements can be made regarding plans. You can ask about missing members. Often those in the class will have information about these persons and some can be asked to make personal visits. In cases of illness, arrangements can be made to visit the person, perhaps to supply a warm meal or volunteer to help with housework or child care. This time of sharing opens the door for better participation in the discussion part of the class. 4. Prayer. The opening of hearts to the Holy Spirit is essential to each successful class meeting. And as the class members pray for one another, they come closer to each other and are enabled to "bare one another's burdens." It is important to take time to ask for the prayer requests of those present. You should offer prayer at the beginning and end of each class, or ask a class member do so, or ask the group to pray together in two's or three's. In smaller classes it may be appropriate at times to have a season of prayer in which everyone has opportunity to pray. 5. Guiding Class Members to Learn and Grow. The most important thing for your class members to learn is the practical application of Bible truth. Sabbath School is not so much a place to learn facts and abstract doctrines, but to grow in Christian living. Help them to make specific applications of the lesson each week in the practical issues they face everyday. Key discussion questions: "What difference does this topic make in how you live your life?" and "How would you explain this truth to a friend who does not attend any church?" 6. Starting on Time. Nothing is more discouraging for a Sabbath School class than to be assembled and wonder where the teacher is. You should be one of the first to arrive at the classroom. This gives you time to greet individuals and see that everything is in readiness. In case of emergency or illness, preparation should be made for a substitute teacher. You have the responsibility to see that the Sabbath School Superintendent is notified and that a substitute has been provided if you must be absent. ---- ====SS YOUNG ADULT TEACHER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and have personal concern for members and visitors. Adult Sabbath School Teachers are chosen by the Sabbath School Council. JOB DUTIES: - To welcome visitors and class members warmly. - To begin class with prayer. - To see that class record and mission offering are taken. - To encourage a daily Bible and lesson study plan. - To prepare for and teach the Sabbath School lesson. The SS quarterly is only a guide. - To make the lessons relevant to our lives today and Christ-centered. - To be very sensitive to non-SDA visitors. Support all remarks from the Bible and refrain from using Adventist jargon and clichés unique to our theology and culture. - To work closely with the SS Superintendent. - To encourage class growth by inviting visitors, friends, and missing members to join class. - To promote a caring class attitude by following up on missing members. Involve class members in this task. Delegate, then follow up the next Sabbath. Ask for a report. - At all cost, avoid lecturing. Ask questions. Lead a discussion. Be a learner along with the class members. Don't assume you have to know it all, but study to be well prepared. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Knowledge, Wisdom, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Council, SS Superintendent, Church Board ---- ====SS YOUNG ADULT LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for leading out with the SS Young Adult class. **Duties of the Young Adult Sabbath School Leader** Although the program varies from church to church, the ministry to which a person is called as the leader of the young adult division of a Sabbath School can best be described in the following ways: -** //Planning//.** - To bring together a team of assistants; young adults who will help plan and implement the group's activities. - To schedule participation of Young Adults for overseeing special programs, and teaching. - To meet together as a group at least once a quarter to brainstorm, make decisions, and create the calendar for the next few months. - To delegate. Find people who can be trusted and let them take responsibility. - **//Spiritual Helper//**. Young adults who have spiritual and relational problems will come to you with questions which need to be answered. This may occasionally require that you act as bridge between troubled young adults and their families. If you really care, they will be able to see it. Some are shy and you will want to preserve their dignity by not being too forward yourself. Others are gregarious and want to be asked questions that invite self-disclosing answers. Listening skills are important! As you learn to know more about what makes people tick, you will catch more of the nuances. - **//Teaching//**. Unless you are in a very large church, it will often be your job to teach the Sabbath School lesson. On occasion you should schedule others to teach so that there is more participation. You might even consider setting up a rotation plan in which many of the class members have a turn at leading the discussion. Skills in group process and learning styles are essential to this task. - **//Building a Sense of Community//**. It will be your work to create an atmosphere that is friendly, comfortable and safe; where God is praised, but where no question need remain unasked. The goal of the young adult Sabbath School leader is to bring together a cluster of strangers and help them become a real fellowship. Relational skills are key in this process. Smiles and expressions of caring are very important! Even the most shy person warms to a smile. Some of the more gregarious ones benefit from a hug. In most situations, a warm handshake or touch to the shoulder to accompany the warm smile shows you care. You must not be afraid to be vulnerable. Many older adults find young adults intimidating, usually because they are able to see through facades. Unless you are open and accepting in your manner, your leadership will lose effectiveness. You are not called to lead from a position of strength, as if you had all of the answers, but from a position of weakness. Admit to the group that you, too, struggle with problems and search for answers. It is only through the honest sharing of your struggles and how God has resolved them that others will be able to see Christianity as alive and practical. - **//Commitment//**. Next to your commitment to have God's presence in every aspect of your life, the commitment you make to serve your church body is perhaps the most important one you will make. It is just as important as your vocational and relational commitments. Group members need to know that they can depend on you and that your attendance and participation will be regular. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Superintendent, SS Council, Church Board ---- ====SS YOUNG ADULT ASSISTANT==== Duties of the Young Adult Sabbath School Assistant Although the program varies from church to church, the ministry to which a person is called as an assistant in the young adult division of the Sabbath School can best be described in the following ways: - - **//Planning//**. Together with the leader, you should select young adults whose personalities and temperaments best fit them for helping run the program. This group should meet frequently to help you become comfortable in the performance of your tasks. - Spiritual Helper. Young adults who have spiritual and relational problems will come to you with questions which need to be answered. This may occasionally require that you act as bridge between troubled young adults and their families. If you really care, they will be able to see it. Some are shy and you will want to preserve their dignity by not being too forward yourself. Others are gregarious and want to be asked questions that invite self-disclosing answers. Listening skills are important! As you learn to know more about what makes people tick, you will catch more of the nuances. - **//Teaching//**. Unless you are in a very large church, it will often be your job to teach the Sabbath School lesson. Your group may have a rotation plan in which many of the class members have a turn at leading the discussion. Skills in group process and learning styles are essential to this task. - **//Building a Sense of Community//**. You must not be afraid to give yourself to others. Many adults find young adults intimidating, usually because young adults confront adults by being able to see through their facades. Unless you become open to others, your leadership will lose effectiveness. You are not called to lead from a position of strength, as if you had all of the answers. Enable your group to see that you, too, struggle with problems and search for answers. It is only through the honest sharing of your struggles that they will be able to see Christianity as an alive and practical choice. They need real people, with real problems and real solutions to lead them. - **//Interest in People//**. Relational skills are key in this process. Smiles and expressions of caring are very important! Even the most shy person warms to a smile. Some of the more gregarious ones benefit from a hug. In most situations, a warm handshake or touch to the shoulder to accompany a warm smile shows you care. - **//Commitment//**. Next to your commitment to have God's presence in every aspect of your life, the commitment you make to serve your church body is perhaps the most important one you will make. It is just as important as your vocational and relational commitments. Group members need to know that they can depend on you and that your attendance and participation will be regular. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Superintendent, SS Department Leader, SS Council, Church Board ---- ====SS SONG LEADERS==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for choosing and directing the music for the Sabbath School general program song service. JOB DUTIES: - To choose appropriate songs for the Sabbath School theme. - To enthusiastically direct the singing. - To begin singing promptly on the time schedule of the head SS Superintendent and finish on time. This includes the opening song. - To find someone else for replacement if necessary, then notify the right Sabbath School Superintendent. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Helps\\ ACCOUNTALBE TO: General SS Superintendent, SS Council, Church Board ---- =====WORSHIP MINISTRIES JOB DESCRIPTIONS ===== ---- ====MUSIC COMMITTEE CHAIR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for chairing the Music Committee. JOB DUTIES: - To work closely in communication with Worship Leader, Pastor, Worship Teams, etc. - To chair the Music Committee. - To be a member of the Worship Committee - To coordinate and oversee the work and responsibilities of the Music Committee. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Leadership,\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board, Worship Committee. ---- ====MUSIC COMMITTEE==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for overseeing the job duties listed below. JOB DUTIES: - To work closely in communication with Worship Leader, Pastor, Worship Teams, etc. - To appoint / recruit additional organist, pianist and choristers as needed. - Develop and facilitate acceptable music guidelines to special music coordinators. - To oversee the maintenance of organ, piano, hymnals, songbooks, sheet music, music software and copyright licenses, bell safety and tuning, etc. - Coordinate and promote special musical programs. - Educate the congregation in the use of music as worship. - Submit requests for major expenditures to the Finance Committee. - To consult with Praise Teams, gifted believers from the congregation, or guest worshipers in order to implement a featured music database. - Schedule pianists and organists for worship services, and all other special services such as: - Funerals - Weddings - Special seasonal programs, etc. - To screen guest musicians or groups invited to come to the church. - To seek out new musical talent and establish a music resource file. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board, Worship Committee. ---- ====ORGANIST/PIANIST==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for playing the organ / piano for all worship services of the church. JOB DUTIES: - - To play the organ / piano for church and at any other services as requested by the music coordinator. - To arrive early enough to make sure music is in order, instruments are ready to play, lights etc. - To contact someone else to be organist or pianist if unable to be present, then notify the music coordinator. - Dress appropriately, modestly and in keeping with good grooming. - Pray for God's blessing as you seek to serve Him through music. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps and Encouragement\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Music Committee and Worship Committee ---- ====SPECIAL MUSIC COORDINATOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for providing sacred Christ-centered music to enhance the churches worship experience. JOB DUTIES: - To ask musicians from the congregations, community, or visiting guests to have special music at the church service. Make sure you get the information to the church secretary before 12 PM Wednesday. - To make plain to the artist his or her responsibility to be in a position in the church to readily rise and reach the platform. If this is to be instrumental, make sure everything needed is in place BEFORE the service starts, such as music stands, chair, microphone, music to the accompanists, etc. - To ask the artist to NOT introduce their music. A song, like a joke, is not a good one if you need to explain it. - In some cases it may be necessary to request that the artist dress modestly and appropriately. - Pray for God's blessing as you seek to serve Him through music. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Encouragement, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Music Coordinator, Worship Committee, Church Board ---- ====CHOIR DIRECTOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to organize, train and direct individuals interested in singing with the church choir. Read job description in Church Manual. See: "Music" JOB DUTIES: - To work with the Music Coordinator to schedule choir performances during the worship service. - To teach and direct the choir at scheduled rehearsals. - To direct the choir during performances. - To select music taking into account interest, variety, and the music skill level of the choir: And to select music appropriate for sacred worship. If there is a question as to the appropriateness of a piece of music, it needs to be reviewed by the pastor and music ministry committee for a decision. - To organize and maintain the choir library. - To serve as a member of the Worship Committee. - To schedule rehearsals at the most convenient time for the majority of choir members. - To recruit new choir members. - To Train someone to do your job. - To be sure choir members are dressed in conservative worship attire, or choir robes may be worn. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Encouragement, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Worship Committee ---- ====WORSHIP COMMITTEE==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to oversee, plan, develop and provide relevant and meaningful Sabbath morning worship services as well as other special worship events. Read: "The services and meetings of the Church" in the Church Manual. Purpose - "But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers." John 4:23 JOB DUTIES: - To lead the congregation in the expressions of worship: adoration, gratitude, repentance, neediness, submission and commitment. - To oversee that church Worship services help worshipers meet God. - To plan worship services in which people will encounter and experience communion with God. - To give study to ways that worship can be more inclusive for all. - To oversee any matters that pertain to the overall worship experience. - To manage the funds in the worship account. - To work closely with the Pastor. - To uphold appropriate dress, modesty and in keeping with good grooming on platform. - To meet quarterly or as needed. - To implement a philosophy of worship for our church that incorporates a biblical perspective. - To create general worship guidelines that are acceptable for our Church. - To evaluate and review worship services by making any necessary improvements or changes. - To be sensitive to the impressions generated by our worship to members and guests. - To maintain a balanced and reverent worship program. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Wisdom, Faith, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====WORSHIP LEADERS==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to lead the Sabbath worship service. JOB DUTIES: - To coordinate and gather all participants for prayer before worship service. - To help people together become aware of God and to make a appropriate response to his presence. - To help keep attention focused on God in each worship service. - To direct the worship experience by setting the course and pace. - To watch out for dead spaces – thorough preparation will help with the flow. - To make offering a part of worship as a response or a sign of commitment. - To use Scripture in Worship – build your theme around Scripture and creatively use it. - To involve the use of the senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. - To lead naturally into the sermon – avoid ending the ‘worship’ time before the message. - To check the direction of the songs, testimonies, praise, worship, etc. - To plan prayer in the service: Opening, pastoral, offering, intercession, etc. - To use creative ideas to involve people – find fresh ways to do old things. - To reflect the theme of the sermon in worship by coming at the topic from a different angle. - To help prepare songs, Bible readings and power point presentations that connect to the theme. - To lead all platform participants to unity and direction in worship services. - To coordinate all parts of each worship service and elements into a connected flow. - To unite congregation and the musicians in a steady and consistent rhythm. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Wisdom, Faith, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Worship Committee ---- ====WORSHIP MINISTRY TEAMS==== JOB SUMMARY: To lead the congregation in the experience of worship. Ministry Team Members: Worship leader, the pastor/leadership, the musicians/singers, the computer projections operator, the sound engineer and the congregation. JOB DUTIES: - To support and work closely to the worship leader. - To manifest the character and nature of God; to be conformed to the image of the Son of God. - To minister unto the Lord and unto His people through praise and worship. - To minister together, as a team, by the Spirit of God, submitting ourselves to him and one another. - To encourage, teach and train others in the body of Christ to praise and worship God. - To be on time for rehearsals, times of instruction, prayer, etc. - To keep your word. If you say that you will do something, be faithful to do it. - To understand that our goal is not to perform, entertain, or draw glory to ourselves - To have a growing understanding of the operation of the covenant relationship among worship team members and the fellowship as a whole. - To help people together become aware of God and to make an appropriate response to his presence. - To help keep attention focused on God in each worship service. - To watch out for dead spaces – thorough preparation will help with the flow. - To make offering a part of worship as a response or a sign of commitment. - To use Scripture in Worship – build your theme around Scripture and creatively use it. - To involve the use of the senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. - To lead naturally into the sermon – avoid ending the ‘worship’ time before the message. - To check the direction of the songs, testimonies, praise, worship, etc. - To plan prayer in the service: Opening, pastoral, offering, intercession, etc. - To use creative ideas to involve people – find fresh ways to do old things. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Wisdom, Faith, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Worship Committee ---- ====WORSHIP SONG LEADERS==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to introduce and lead the Sabbath worship service congregational singing. JOB DUTIES: - To meet at 10:45 A.M. in pastors office and pray with all platform participants for God's graceful help. - To enter onto the platform when directed. - To announce songs clearly and repeat the location. Know the key the song is to be sung in. - Be relaxed, smile and show genuine enthusiasm. Inspire the people to take their minds off themselves, center their thoughts on Christ and enthusiastically lead the congregational singing. - To return to the rostrum just prior to the sermons conclusion and lead the hymn of consecration. - To exit off the rostrum at the conclusion of the final hymn. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Helps, Wisdom, Faith, Leadership ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Worship Committee **How to Enhance Congregational Singing** (1) Work for variety within the songs chosen. There should be a good mix of songs that are fast, medium or slow. If all are slow people get sleepy. If all are fast there's no time for meditation. The faster songs get attention, help people wake up and allow for energetic praise of God. Slower songs help settle and direct the mind, focus attention and prepare a person to hear God speak. (2) Learn some new songs. There are good reasons why the Psalms encourage new songs. A song sung over and over loses some of its meaning. People's minds start wandering and the blessing to be gained from the song is lost. Learning a new song breaks people out of the ruts. Not only do they think about the new song they've just sung, but also old songs start taking on new meaning. (3) Search out good music. There’s a wealth of music available to churches. Educate yourself on what's available. Don't feel that your singing must be limited to what's in the Adventist Hymnal. Try going to the ABC or a local Christian bookstore for resources. Be aware, however, that not all music is of the highest quality, so... (4) Pay attention to the lyrics. Song lyrics can powerfully affect our thinking, teach a truth, be a prayer to God, or touch someone's heart. But, not all songs do this well. Words that are archaic can obscure the message of the song, while shallow words fail to feed the mind. Look for words that have depth, are easily understood, and help members mature as children of God. (5) Pay attention to the music. Melodies for congregational singing should be easy to sing, in a range that the majority can comfortably reach. Notes that soar too high, melodies that are difficult or awkward tend to frustrate people and distract their minds from the singing to the sore throat that's developing. (6) Remember to get a copyright license. If you're reproducing the words to a copyrighted song in the bulletin, on a song sheet, or on a projection screen, your church needs a license. Copyright laws protect the rights of songwriters, and Christians should be the first to respect them. ---- ====SOUND SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEMBER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for the operation, maintenance and security of the Church sound system at all church activities. JOB DUTIES: - To be on the job a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the starting time of each program. - To keep the equipment in optimum operating condition, to avoid having to do this at the beginning of a service. - To give the main speaker the lapel microphone and retrieve it following the program. - To monitor the operation of the equipment during each program. - Don’t be distracted from the operation of equipment by a phone call, texting or conversation. - When possible make specific adjustments to specific microphones for specific speakers before service starts. - To take down and lock up the equipment following each program. - To produce audio CD copies of programs for shut-ins or anyone requesting a copy. - To work closely in communication with the Worship Leader, Pastor, Head Deacon, etc. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sound System Director/Leader, Worship Committee and Church Board ---- ====SOUND SYSTEM DIRECTOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to train and schedule (for all church activities) sound system technicians for the operation, maintenance and security of the church sound system JOB DUTIES: - To act as chairperson of the sound system committee. - To work closely with the Pastor concerning program scheduling. - To supervise all the sound system technicians so that they follow their job description. - To train someone to do your job. - Make a quarterly schedule for sound technicians for all regular meetings. Post the schedule with the Elder's and Deacons schedule on the church bulletin board or where appropriate. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Worship Committee, Church Board ---- ====CHILDREN'S STORY TELLER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for telling a children's story during our worship service. JOB DUTIES: - To tell a story once per month. - To sit very close to the front so that you can stand up and take the hand held microphone from the pulpit. Waste no time. - To use the microphone professionally. - To finish your story in five minutes or less. Remember children have short attention spans. - To speak to the children's level (not the adult audience). - To make one key point dramatically and visually. - To select stories with correct morals or spiritual values. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teaching\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Worship Committee and Church Board ---- ===== PRE-ADULT (CHILDREN’S) MINISTRIES JOB DESCRIPTIONS ===== ---- ====SS CHILDREN'S SUPERINTENDENT==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to assist Sabbath School Superintendent in the overall organization and management of all the Sabbath School children's divisions. Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To keep in close contact with each Sabbath School division leader by communicating often and by visiting each division at least once a quarter. - To give guidance, help and encouragement to division leaders. - To keep the SS Superintendent informed of all the needs of the children's divisions as they arise. - To promote attendance at the Conference sponsored Sabbath School workshop/training event meetings. - To encourage SS Lower Division Leaders to reclaim church families with children or missing members. Emphasize evangelistic outreach through each SS Class. - To chair the SS Lower Division Council once a quarter. - To give a progress report, any concerns or needs to the SS Council. - To serve as a member of the Sabbath School Council. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration, Leadership, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Superintendent, SS Council, SS Lower Division Council, Church Board. ---- ====SS BEGINNERS LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, organizing staff and conducting the Sabbath School Beginners program. Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To promote the Sabbath School objectives of: - Every child in regular attendance. - Daily study of lesson and memory verse. - Systematic gifts for missions. - To be present before the children arrive. - To cheerfully welcome the children as they arrive. - To begin the program at 9:45 A.M. and finish at 10:30. - To present programs that are of spiritual benefit to the children, teaching God's values and not just entertainment. - To keep accurate class records. (This can be delegated to an assistant) - To keep supplies and materials up-to-date. Distribute Lesson Study/Guides. - To organize and schedule staff. - Piano player - Teachers - Assistants - To work closely with Children’s SS Superintendent. - To participate as a member of the SS Council and SS Lower Division Council. - To communicate to parents how much we love their child and appreciate having them in our division. - To call a division staff meeting quarterly to discuss aims, goals, and programs. Invite the Children’s Sabbath School Superintendent to be present. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Council, SS Lower Division Superintendent, SS Lower Division Council, Church Board ---- ====SS KINDERGARTEN LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, organizing of staff and conducting the Sabbath School Kindergarten program. JOB DUTIES: - To promote the Sabbath School objectives of: - Every child in regular attendance. - Daily study of lesson and memory verse. - Systematic gifts for missions. - To be present before the children arrive. - To cheerfully welcome the children as they arrive. - To begin the program at 9:45 AM and finish at 10:30 AM. - To present programs that are of spiritual benefit to the children. Teaching God's values, and not just entertainment. - To keep accurate class records. - To keep supplies and materials up-to-date. Distribute lesson guide. - To organize and schedule staff: a) Piano player b) Teachers c) Assistants - To work closely and communicate any concerns or needs to the Children's SS Superintendent. - To participate as a member of the Sabbath School Council and SS Lower Divisions Council. - To communicate to each parent how much we love and appreciate having their child in your division. - To call a division staff meeting quarterly to discuss aims, goals, and programs. Invite Sabbath School Children's Superintendent to be present when available. - To share the knowledge that Jesus loves each child and wants to be their friend. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Lower Divisions Council, SS Council, SS Superintendent, Church Board ---- ====SS BEGINNERS & KINDERGARTEN TEACHER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and show Christian love and concern for each member of the Sabbath School Class. Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To make all members and visitors feel welcome and accepted. Also be sure to introduce them to the class. - To encourage daily Bible and lesson study. - To teach the Sabbath School lesson in an appealing way, holding the interest and attention of the children while impressing spiritual truths. - To contact any child member who is ill or absent. - To work very closely with the Sabbath School Lower Division Superintendent Leader. - To share the knowledge that Jesus loves each child and wants to be their friend. - To learn & know each child by name, discovering the interests and family circumstances of each. Relate to the children in a loving, accepting manner, regardless of their race, color, language, gender, age, or educational experience. Encourages children to ask questions and seek answers. - Study the children's lesson and the teachers' lesson helps so as to be able to lead the class in a discussion of their lesson. Seeks new ways to involve children in learning. - Call the Division Leader when emergencies cause a change of plans, so a substitute can be found. - Arrive on time and sit with the class during the program; Commit to regular attendance so that the class learns to depend on you as their teacher. Recognize and greet children by name outside of class. At the conclusion of Sabbath School, evaluate whether or not learning took place. - Model God's grace in relationships within the class, seeking to love and accept each child at all times. Encourage the children to express their love for God in words, prayer, and faithfulness in daily situations. - Seek to become acquainted with parents and be able to compliment them on their child's behavior, or knowledge of the lesson, or kindness to other children, etc. - When evaluating materials for your use, keep the following points in mind: - Is it Christ centered? Does it lead children into a personal, saving relationship with Christ? - Do the pictures glorify Christ rather than self? - Is the material related to your lessons and are they doctrinally sound? - Do the materials have educational value? Is spiritual learning taking place or does it serve only to entertain? - Are the materials appropriate to the age level you are considering using it for? - Is the art work of good quality? - Can the material be used repeatedly to justify the expense? - Do the materials encourage participation? - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge, Friendliness \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Division Leader, SS Council, SS Superintendent, SS Council, Church Board ---- ====SS PRIMARY LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, organizing of staff and conducting the Sabbath School Primary program. Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To promote the Sabbath School objectives: - Every child in regular attendance. - Daily study of lesson and memory verse. - Systematic gifts for missions. - To be present before the children arrive. - To cheerfully welcome the children as they arrive. - To begin the program at 9:45 A.M. and finish at 10:30. - To present programs that are of spiritual benefit to the children. Teaching God's values, and not just entertainment. - To keep accurate class records. - To keep supplies and materials up-to-date. - To organize and schedule staff. - Piano player - Teachers - Assistants - To work closely with the Children's SS Lower Division Superintendent. - To participate as a member of the SS Lower Division Council. - To encourage the young people to take a definite stand for Jesus Christ. - To call a division staff meeting quarterly to discuss aims, goals, and programs. Invite the Children's Sabbath School Superintendent to be present. - To share the knowledge that Jesus loves each child and wants to be their friend. - To communicate to each parent on how much you love having their child in your division. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Lower Division Council, SS Council, SS LD Superintendent, Church Board ---- ====SS JUNIOR LEADER== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, organizing the staff and conducting the Sabbath School Junior program. Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To promote the Sabbath School objectives: - Every child in regular attendance. - Daily study of lesson and memory verse. - Systematic gifts for missions. - To be present before the children arrive. - To cheerfully welcome the children as they arrive. - To begin the program at 9:45 AM and finish at 10:30 AM. - To present programs that are of spiritual benefit to the children. Teaching God's values, and not just entertainment. - To keep accurate class records. - To keep supplies and materials up-to-date. - To organize and schedule staff. - Piano player - Teachers - Assistants - To work closely with the Children's SS Superintendent. - To participate as a member of the SS Council. - To encourage the young people to take a definite stand for Jesus Christ. - To call a division staff meeting quarterly to discuss aims, goals, and programs. - To distribute the Lesson Study. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNATLBE TO: SS Lower Division Council, SS Council, SS Superintendent, Church Board ---- ====SS EARLITEEN LEADER== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, organizing the staff and conducting the Sabbath School Earliteen program. Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To promote the Sabbath School objectives: - Every child in regular attendance. - Daily study of lesson and memory verse. - Systematic gifts for missions. - To be present before the children arrive. - To cheerfully welcome the children as they arrive. - To begin the program at 9:45 AM and finish at 10:30 AM. - To present programs that are of spiritual benefit to the children. Teaching God's values, and not just entertainment. - To keep accurate class records. - To keep supplies and materials up-to-date. - To organize and schedule staff. - Piano player - Teachers - Assistants - To work closely with the Children's SS Superintendent. - To participate as a member of the SS Council. - To encourage the young people to take a definite stand for Jesus Christ. - To call a division staff meeting quarterly to discuss aims, goals, and programs. - To distribute the Lesson Study. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNATLBE TO: SS Lower Division Council, SS Council, SS Superintendent, Church Board ---- ====SS PRIMARY TEACHER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and show Christian love and concern for each member of the Sabbath School Class. (Teachers are chosen by the Sabbath School Departmental Leader). Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To make all visitors feel welcome and accepted. Also be sure to introduce them to the class. - To encourage daily Bible and lesson study. - To teach the Sabbath School lesson in an appealing way, holding the interest and attention of the children while impressing spiritual truths. - To contact any class member who is ill or absent. - To work very closely with the Sabbath School Department Leader. - To encourage the young people to take a definite stand for Jesus Christ. - Learn and know each child’s name, discover the interests and family circumstances of each. Relate to the children in a loving, accepting manner, regardless of their race, color, language, gender, age, or educational experience. Encourage children to ask questions and seek answers. - Maintain a consistent prayer life and seek to grow spiritually; know Jesus as personal Savior and be willing and able to talk about what God has done for you. Study the children's lesson and the teachers' lesson helps so as to be able to lead the class in a discussion of their lesson. Seek new ways to involve children in learning. - Adapt to the leadership style of the Sabbath School leader. Arrange a teaching schedule with the leader, allowing for Sabbaths off; call the leader when emergencies cause a change of plans, so a substitute can be found. - 10. To the Class: Arrives on time and sits with the class during the program; lead the class in discussion of the lesson so as to relate Bible truth to everyday situations. Commit to regular attendance so that the class learn to depend on their teacher. Recognize and greet children by name outside of class. Encourage children to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God through daily Bible study. At the conclusion of Sabbath School, evaluate whether or not learning took place. - Model God's grace in relationships within the class, seeking to love and accept each child at all times. Encourages the children to express their love for God in words, prayer, and faithfulness in daily situations. - When evaluating materials for your use, keep the following points in mind: - Is it Christ centered? Does it lead children into a personal, saving relationship with Christ? - Do the pictures glorify Christ rather than self? - Is the material related to your lessons and are they doctrinally sound? - Do the materials have educational value? - Is spiritual learning taking place or does it serve only to entertain? - Are the materials appropriate to the age level you are considering using it for? - Is the art work of good quality? - Can the material be used repeatedly to justify the expense? - Do the materials encourage participation? - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Department Leader, SS Lower Division Superintendent, SS Lower Division Council, SS Council, Church Board ---- ====SS JUNIOR TEACHER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and show Christian love and concern for each member of the Sabbath School Class. (Teachers are chosen by the Sabbath School Departmental Leader). Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To make all visitors feel welcome and accepted. Also be sure to introduce them to the class. - To encourage daily Bible and lesson study. - To teach the Sabbath School lesson in an appealing way, holding the interest and attention of the children while impressing spiritual truths. - To contact any class member who is ill or absent. - To work very closely with the Sabbath School Department Leader. - To encourage the young people to take a definite stand for Jesus Christ. - Learn and know each child’s name, discover the interests and family circumstances of each. Relate to the children in a loving, accepting manner, regardless of their race, color, language, gender, age, or educational experience. Encourage children to ask questions and seek answers. - Maintain a consistent prayer life and seek to grow spiritually; know Jesus as personal Savior and be willing and able to talk about what God has done for you. Study the children's lesson and the teachers' lesson helps so as to be able to lead the class in a discussion of their lesson. Seek new ways to involve children in learning. - Adapt to the leadership style of the Sabbath School leader. Arrange a teaching schedule with the leader, allowing for Sabbaths off; call the leader when emergencies cause a change of plans, so a substitute can be found. - To the Class: Arrives on time and sits with the class during the program; lead the class in discussion of the lesson so as to relate Bible truth to everyday situations. Commit to regular attendance so that the class learn to depend on their teacher. Recognize and greet children by name outside of class. Encourage children to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God through daily Bible study. At the conclusion of Sabbath School, evaluate whether or not learning took place. - Model God's grace in relationships within the class, seeking to love and accept each child at all times. Encourages the children to express their love for God in words, prayer, and faithfulness in daily situations. - When evaluating materials for your use, keep the following points in mind: - Is it Christ centered? Does it lead children into a personal, saving relationship with Christ? - Do the pictures glorify Christ rather than self? - Is the material related to your lessons and are they doctrinally sound? - Do the materials have educational value? - Is spiritual learning taking place or does it serve only to entertain? - Are the materials appropriate to the age level you are considering using it for? - Is the art work of good quality? - Can the material be used repeatedly to justify the expense? - Do the materials encourage participation? - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Department Leader, SS Lower Division Superintendent, SS Lower Division Council, SS Council, Church Board ---- ====SS EARLITEEN TEACHER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and show Christian love and concern for each member of the Sabbath School Class. (Teachers are chosen by the Sabbath School Departmental Leader). Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To make all visitors feel welcome and accepted. Also be sure to introduce them to the class. - To encourage daily Bible and lesson study. - To teach the Sabbath School lesson in an appealing way, holding the interest and attention of the children while impressing spiritual truths. - To contact any class member who is ill or absent. - To work very closely with the Sabbath School Department Leader. - To encourage the young people to take a definite stand for Jesus Christ. - Learn and know each child’s name, discover the interests and family circumstances of each. Relate to the children in a loving, accepting manner, regardless of their race, color, language, gender, age, or educational experience. Encourage children to ask questions and seek answers. - Maintain a consistent prayer life and seek to grow spiritually; know Jesus as personal Savior and be willing and able to talk about what God has done for you. Study the children's lesson and the teachers' lesson helps so as to be able to lead the class in a discussion of their lesson. Seek new ways to involve children in learning. - Adapt to the leadership style of the Sabbath School leader. Arrange a teaching schedule with the leader, allowing for Sabbaths off; call the leader when emergencies cause a change of plans, so a substitute can be found. - To the Class: Arrives on time and sits with the class during the program; lead the class in discussion of the lesson so as to relate Bible truth to everyday situations. Commit to regular attendance so that the class learn to depend on their teacher. Recognize and greet children by name outside of class. Encourage children to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God through daily Bible study. At the conclusion of Sabbath School, evaluate whether or not learning took place. - Model God's grace in relationships within the class, seeking to love and accept each child at all times. Encourages the children to express their love for God in words, prayer, and faithfulness in daily situations. - When evaluating materials for your use, keep the following points in mind: - Is it Christ centered? Does it lead children into a personal, saving relationship with Christ? - Do the pictures glorify Christ rather than self? - Is the material related to your lessons and are they doctrinally sound? - Do the materials have educational value? - Is spiritual learning taking place or does it serve only to entertain? - Are the materials appropriate to the age level you are considering using it for? - Is the art work of good quality? - Can the material be used repeatedly to justify the expense? - Do the materials encourage participation? - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Department Leader, SS Lower Division Superintendent, SS Lower Division Council, SS Council, Church Board ---- ====SS YOUTH LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, organizing the staff and conducting the Youth Sabbath School program. Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To be present before youth arrive and welcome warmly class members and all visitors. Start class at 9:45 a.m. and finish at 10:30 a.m. - To present programs that are of spiritual benefit to youth. Teaching God's values, and not just entertainment. - To promote missions and the mission offering. - To encourage faithfulness in daily Bible and lesson study. - To become acquainted with each class member. - To visit class members and try to encourage inactive members to attend regularly. - To participate as a member of the Sabbath School Lower Divisions Council. - To call a division staff meeting quarterly to discuss aims, goals, and programs. - To organize and schedule teachers and assistants (pianist or guitar player). - To work closely with the Sabbath School Lower Division Superintendent. - To encourage the youth to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. - To serve as a member of the SS Lower Divisions Council. - To distribute the 'Insight' journal if available. - To train and encourage youth to take leadership roles in their department. - To train and mentor someone else to do your job As a youth ministry leader it is important that you see teens as an important part of the present church, not just the church to come. **Additional Duties of the Sabbath School Youth Leader** Although the program varies from church to church, the ministry to which a person is called when she becomes the leader of the youth division of the Sabbath School can best be described in the following ways: - **//Planning//**. You will provide leadership for the youth Sabbath School by bringing together a team of assistants and teenagers who will help plan and implement the group's activities. This includes overseeing the schedule of leadership, special programs, and teaching. It is vital that this group meet together at least once a quarter to brainstorm, make decisions, and create the calendar for the next few months. Learn to delegate. - **//Spiritual Helper//**. Teenagers whose trust you have won will come to you with questions and personal problems. This may occasionally require that you act as bridge between troubled teenagers and their parents. If you really care, they will be able to see it. Often people at this age are very shy and you will want to preserve their dignity. Listening skills are important! - **//Teaching//**. Unless you are in a very large church, it will often be your job to teach the Sabbath School lesson. On occasion you should schedule others to teach so that there is more participation. Skills in group process and learning styles are essential to this task. And it takes adequate preparation time. You cannot expect to minister effectively to the needs of teenagers if you simply glance over the teaching materials at the last minute. The North American Division Sabbath School curriculum for teens is quite demanding because it deal with the difficult issues of life; sexuality, occupations, the meaning of life, death and dying, ethics, etc. You cannot teach it with casual preparation. You cannot significantly touch the lives of your teens by finding an "easier" set of materials to use. - **//Building a Sense of Community//**. It will be your work to create an atmosphere that is friendly, comfortable and safe; where God is praised, but where no question need remain unasked. The goal of the youth Sabbath School leader is to bring together a cluster of awkward teenagers and help them become real friends. Relational skills are key in this process. Smiles and expressions of caring are very important! Even the most shy person warms to a smile. Some of the more gregarious ones benefit from a hug. In most situations, a warm handshake or touch to the shoulder to accompany the warm smile shows you care. You must not be afraid to be vulnerable. Teenagers can be intimidating because of their directness and often rebellious behavior. Unless you are open and accepting in your manner, you will not be able to lead this age group. - **//Commitment//**. Next to your commitment to have God's presence in every aspect of your life, your commitment to serve your church is perhaps the most important one you will make. It is just as important as your vocational and relational commitments. Group members need to know that they can depend on you and that your attendance and participation will be regular. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism, Knowledge, Wisdom\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Lower Division Council, SS Council, SS Lower Division Superintendent, Church Board ---- ====SS YOUTH ASSISTANT==== JOB SUMMARY: To assist SS Youth Leader with planning, organizing the staff and conducting the Youth Sabbath School program. Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. Duties of the Youth Sabbath School Assistant The program varies from church to church, but the ministry to which a person is called when he or she agrees to help in the youth division of the Sabbath School often includes the following: - **//Teaching//**. It will often be your job to teach the youth Sabbath School lesson. Skills in group process and learning styles are essential to this task. And it takes adequate preparation time. You cannot expect to minister effectively to the needs of teenagers if you simply glance over the teaching materials at the last minute. The North American Division Sabbath School curriculum for teens is quite demanding because it deal with the difficult issues of life; sexuality, occupations, the meaning of life, death and dying, ethics, etc. You cannot teach it with casual preparation. You cannot significantly touch the lives of your teens by finding an "easier" set of materials to use. - **//Programming//**. Perhaps once a month or one month of each quarter you will have the responsibility of planning and organizing the special features and group activities during the first half of the youth Sabbath School. This usually includes music, an opening prayer, time for the teens to share and mix, and an educational or spiritual feature such as a guest speaker, a film or video, a role play, a panel discussion or a learning game or simulation. There are program helps in the Youth Ministry Resource Magazine and they can be found in other resource materials from Christian publishers. The best programs include a lot of participation by the teenagers both in planning and implementation. - **//Spiritual Helper//**. Teenagers may come to you asking that you act as bridge between them and their parents. Often teens are very shy and you will want to preserve their dignity. Listening skills are important! - **//Teamwork//**. Group members need to know that they can depend on you and that your attendance and participation will be regular. You must take the time to communicate regularly with your division leader and the others involved. You may be asked to attend a planning session once a quarter, and this is a significant time to share insights about the needs of your teens, get your signals straight and coordinate calendars. The youth will pick up on confusion and disagreement between adult leaders, and this will dampen their involvement. - **//Music//**. You may have special talents with the piano or guitar, or even in organizing and leading a choral group. If so, that is undoubtedly the reason you've been asked to help with the youth Sabbath School! Music is an important part of worship and fellowship for teenagers, but they find it difficult to respect and get involved in a poorly run, traditional "song service." Music ministry with youth requires creativity and up-to-date resources. Use the youth hymnal-He Is Our Song (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1988). If you would like to start a praise team, try the "Step by Step song service" (see below). SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism, Knowledge, Wisdom\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Lower Division Council, SS Council, SS Lower Division Superintendent, Church Board ---- ====SS YOUTH TEACHER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and show Christian love and concern for each member of the Sabbath School Class. (Teachers are chosen by the Sabbath School Departmental Leader but need to be approved by the SS Lower Division Council). Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To make all visitors feel welcome and accepted. Also be sure to introduce them to the class. - To encourage daily Bible and lesson study. - To teach the Sabbath School lesson in an appealing way, holding the interest and attention of the youth while impressing spiritual truths. - To contact any member who is ill or absent. - To work very closely with the Sabbath School Department Leader. - To make the acquaintance of the parents of each member. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: SS Department Leader, SS Lower Division Superintendent, SS Council, Church Board ---- ====YOUTH LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for directing and coordinating events that minister to youth in High School. JOB DUTIES: - To Chair the Youth Ministries Committee Council. You will want to work with your staff, SS Youth leader, the Adventist Youth Society and any other youth ministries leader of the church. The agenda at these meetings should include the scheduling of all activities, fund raisers and trips for the year. Together you can reduce overlap, look for gaps in programs, and coordinate efforts. Your leadership should encourage a cooperative spirit in which all of the leaders of the various programs work together. - To Plan and Program. It is your responsibility to working with the Youth Council in putting together an overall plan and budget for a comprehensive program of youth ministry activities for your church. - Program Administration. Work closely with church office and pastor as to scheduling events. Be considerate of other church programing. Plan events so they co-inside with church programing. All events must be voted for approval by the Church Board for insurance coverage purposes. - Information. You are the primary source of information about youth ministries to the congregation. You should put together a calendar listing all youth activities and events for the local church and see that these events get advertised in the church bulletin and newsletter. Keep an up-to-date, permanent record of all the youth in grades 9-12 who are members in the church and those of non-members who have attended outreach programs or visited Sabbath School. Also, provide information to your leaders about training events and new resources. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====YOUTH COUNCIL==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, directing and coordinating events that minister to youth in High School. JOB DUTIES: - To hold Youth Council meetings throughout the year. - To plan fund raisers when needed. - To request and suggest a budget to the Finance Committee - To plan and organize a Youth Sabbath worship service at least once a year. - To encourage participation of youth in church ministries. - To encourage a cooperative spirit in which all of the leaders of the various programs work together. - To put together an overall program and budget for a comprehensive program of youth ministry activities for your church. - To work closely with church office and pastor as to scheduling events. Be considerate of other church programing. Plan events so they co-inside with church programing. Once a youth calendar of activities has been planned, it must be presented to the church board for approval for insurance coverage purposes. - To see that youth events get advertised in the church bulletin and newsletter, etc. - To keep an up-to-date, permanent record of all the youth in grades 9-12 who are members in the church and those of non-members who have attended youth programs or visited Sabbath School. Also, provide information to your leaders about training events and new resources for youth ministries. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====HOME AND SCHOOL LEADER ==== Adventist Church schools have been established under the direction of God. It has always been God's purpose to educate His children in a climate consistent with His will. He planned the first school in the Garden of Eden where His children were to learn the wonders of the world they lived in. The church operates a school system to provide children and youth with a balanced physical, mental, spiritual, social, and vocational education, with God as the source of all moral value and truth. The stated interest of the church is the restoration in each person of the image of the Creator, resulting in the optimum development of the whole person for both this life and the life hereafter. Early in the Old Testament instruction was given that followers of God were to be taught in all significant areas of life; healthful living, civic order, social justice, purposeful work and the deeper meaning of God's divine character and law. (Deut. 6:1-25) This is the continuing mission of the Seventh-day Adventist school system. But teachers alone, even loving, Christian teachers, cannot do the work of leading young people to salvation, knowledge, and maturity to our children. The most effective education will take place when teachers, parents, and church members work together to provide an environment where children can learn and grow. Paul compares the church to a body in which all of the parts "should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." (I Cor. 12:25-27 NIV) When parents support the church school and the teachers, everyone is honored and everyone rejoices. **Duties of the Home and School Leader** - //Promote Adventist Education//. Your Leadership should seek to assure that every child in your church has the opportunity of attending a Seventh-day Adventist school. Show support for the principles of Christian education by your example and leadership. - //Raise Funds//. The Home and School Association can enhance the regular academic program of the school by creatively raising funds for items such as audio-visual aids, library resources, computers, and playground equipment. By uniting the parents and the school in a project to increase the effectiveness of the educational process you will also gain more cooperation and understanding between home and school. - //Communicate with the Church//. Several times during the school year you, or someone you appoint, should appear before the entire congregation to promote Christian education. Many members with no children in the church school will be willing to help support both financially and by volunteer work when they see the needs of the school and are aware of the work projects being done. - //Encourage both Parents and Teachers//. Parent education classes need to be offered to teach parents how to instill right character traits and lead children toward heaven. Any classes that will strengthen the home, or encourage family worship will be a blessing for the children of your church. Planning events to honor the teachers in your school will be a great encouragement to the Christian teachers who work with the children. Also encourage teachers to better themselves by attending seminars and retreats. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Evangelism\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====PATHFINDER CLUB DIRECTOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for supervising and directing the activities of the Pathfinder Club which is organized under the principles of the General Conference Adventist Youth Society. JOB DUTIES: There are various elements that make up the Pathfinder Clubs' program. The main ones are listed below. The following also gives us an idea of the Pathfinder Club director's involvement in each: - **//Programming//**. A large share of the Pathfinder director's time is involved in organizing Pathfinder Club programming. These include a wide variety of activities such as - Regular club meetings, - Pathfinder Sabbath each year, - Social events, - Campouts, - Outreach projects - Annual Pathfinder Fair - Investiture etc. - The programming of the Pathfinder Club is designed to provide a varied and interesting opportunity for children. The goal is to make the church so attractive and fulfilling for children that they will become actively involved. - **//Planning//**. The Pathfinder director develops a yearly calendar of activities and a budget. The Pathfinder Club staff gets involved by giving suggestions that might improve and expand on the ideas already presented. All plans must pass the approval of the church board and it must coordinate with the program of the local conference. 3. Recruiting and Supervising. The Pathfinder director is responsible for recruiting staff to help with club activities . The Pathfinder Club staff is made up of volunteers: adults and youth. All staff are under the supervision of the Pathfinder director. - **//Teaching//**. The Pathfinder director assists the young people in learning outdoor skills; developing spiritual values (which of course is of prime importance to us as a church); and service methods which could be beneficial in saving lives in their communities. Crafts are always an enjoyable part of the meetings and the Pathfinder director should be right there (along with her or his staff) to answer any questions pertaining to completing various projects assigned. - **//Listening to Parents and Children//**. The Pathfinder director is usually an individual who enjoys young people and can relate to them in a way that makes them feel comfortable around him. She or he should let them know by their actions and words that he/she is their friend and is there to listen to them when they have any problems, especially those of spiritual nature. - **//Communication//**. The Pathfinder director should make sure the children, parents and the entire church is made aware that there is a viable Pathfinder Club. The program should be promoted in all departments since there are areas of interest to all ages. - **//Discipline//**. Director and Staff must uphold the requirements of club membership in a fair and equal manner. All rules and regulations are for all members, no exceptions made. Once can be strict if one is fair! - To serve on Church Board. - To maintain the financial records of the organization. - To get Church Board approval on all plans. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teaching, Leadership, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board ---- ====ADVENTURER CLUB DIRECTOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for supervising and directing the activities of the Adventurer Club JOB DUTIES: There are various elements that make up the Adventurer Clubs' program. The main ones are listed below. The following also gives us an idea of the Pathfinder Club director's involvement in each: - - **//Communicate//** with the church and community in order to promote the club. The Conference Adventurer Coordinator provides guidance in running the club, and may ask for regular reports to be sent to the conference office. A church Adventurer Executive Committee (including the pastor, Primary Sabbath school leader, church school teachers (optional), parent representatives, and Adventurer Club leadership/staff) will help to set the major policies and goals for the Adventurer club. The church board should be consulted regarding major decisions. - **//Staff//** the Adventurer Club with caring, well-qualified adults and teens. The Adventurer director will seek out persons who are clearly growing in the love of Jesus, love children, and work well with them. The director with the assistance of the pastor will see that each staff member is trained carefully, and given a job which is appropriate to the interests of the club. - **//Organize//** the Adventurer Club by working with the executive committee and staff to identify what goals and objectives need to be accomplished in the coming year. The director and staff may choose the general types of activities to take place. Staff are assigned to lead out in each area. Then a budget is set up, based on the income from church appropriation, club dues, and fund-raising. Finally, an amount is designated for each area of the club to spend. - **//Plan//** the club meetings and yearly calendar. Make a schedule of activities for each regular club meeting, and a yearly calendar which may include regular club meetings, special activity nights, family nights, Adventurer Family Network meetings, and yearly events such as Induction and Investiture. - **//Evaluate//** how well the club is reaching its goals. Take time at staff meetings to discuss ideas and concerns. Use what is learned to create a better, more effective club. As Adventurer Club director, you will be ministering to children in grades 1-4. These young "Christians-in-training" are active, fun-loving, little people who have the capacity to truly love Jesus. As you discover the needs of the children and families in your church and community, you will acquire a vision of what the Lord wants to do through your Adventurer Club. You will seek to bring together staff and programming to help the children become more closely acquainted with the love of Jesus and His plans for them. This will help them acquire the habits, skills, and knowledge to live for Him in today's world. God has ordained parents to be their primary spiritual leaders, and you will seek to include and support them in every way you can through the Adventurer Club. **Resource Materials** - An Adventurer Resource Catalogue from AdventSource . - The Adventurer Club Manual, available from your local conference, is the main resource for directing the Adventurer Club. A section on Club Organization contains all the information you need to start a club, plan activities and schedules, and organize staff. It describes the Adventurer uniform, and gives information on many other aspects of club organization. - Adventurer Activity Books for each grade level are available. They contain activity sheets for both the child and adult to complete each of the curriculum activities required for earning the Adventurer class pin. - Pins, patches, certificates, uniforms, and awards described in the manual are all available through your local conference Adventurer office. - Your local conference library, school, and bookstore have materials for you to borrow or purchase which may help in running the various aspects of your club. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teaching, Leadership, \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board ---- ====VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL LEADER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to plan, organize and direct the Vacation Bible School program. Read: "Vacation Bible School" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To develop an estimated VBS budget and summit it to the Finance Committee for approval far in advance. (6 months) - To set the date 6 months in advance in counsel with church office and pastor. - To select a supportive VBS staff and plan the program at least 3 months in advance. - To delegate and assign the various responsibilities of VBS program. - To get the lesson material at least 2 months in advance to the department leaders. - To advertise the VBS program. - To run a Christ-centered evangelistic program that will meet the felt needs of young people. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Evangelism, Teaching, Leadership\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Personal Ministries Council, Church Board ---- =====ADMINISTRATION MINISTRIES JOB DESCRIPTIONS ===== ---- ====NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEMBER==== Committee consist of 7 members and 2 alternates JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to nominate the names of all church offices before the church, take those names before the church, which will then vote to elect the recommendations. There are two reading on two consecutive Sabbath mornings. Elected officers serve a one year term. Read: "Nominating Committee Members" in the Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To work together as a committee to find the most qualified individuals to fulfill the various church officers. Taking into account the members spiritual gifts, temperament, passion, and experience, remembering to pray for God's leading in this very important process. - To elect a personnel committee member to serve as chairperson and secretary. - To discuss together openly as a committee with absolute confidentiality. No gossip should take place, and maintain a Christian attitude always. - To seek counsel and advise form the Pastor who is an ex-officio member of the committee. - To call each nominee to secure their permission and willingness to serve, before the first reading. - To present a printed list of the recommended officers for the first Sabbath morning reading. - To provide a printout of the job description for each nominee. - To listen to church members who have concerns to express to the committee without conveying a message that their concerns are not valid. - To finish Nominating officers in time so that the final church vote can be taken at least 4 weeks before taking office. This allows new officers time to get ready for their new position (s). - To call the same committee together for a meeting in February of the following year to select and recommend to the church body the name of 10 persons for possible placement on the new nominating committee. The church as a whole votes on the names, and the top 5 become the committee, and the next 2 highest votes become the alternates. - After serving two consecutive terms on the committee, a person may not serve the third term in a row. The Secretary is responsible to keep records of who served and when. The church must vote on the new nominating committee by the end of February. - If the nominating committee would like to nominate for ordained office one who is not ordained, they must first seek the counsel of the Pastor and the board of Elders, and then follow their advice in the matter. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Wisdom, Faith, Knowledge\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Personnel Committee and Chairperson. ---- ====NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to chair the Nominating Committee, abiding by the church manual guidelines, as it selects individuals to serve for one year as various church officers, nominating them for election by the church. Read: "Nominating Committee" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To chair the Nominating Committee, choosing the most qualified individuals to fulfill the various Church offices, taking into account the members spiritual gifts, temperament, passion, and experience. - Seek the Lord's guidance at the start of each meeting and encourage committee members to pray for God's leading each day as they do this important work. - To schedule and call all Nominating Committee meetings. - To lead open committee discussions, maintaining absolute confidentiality and strict Christian ethics. - To seek counsel and advise form the Pastor who is an ex-officio member of the nominating committee. - To delegate to committee members the calling of each nomination to secure their permission and willingness to serve before the first reading. - To listen to church members concerns with proper attitude, and try to answer any questions they are asking without conveying a message that their concerns are not valid. To realize the committee is not "all knowing" and others may have very important reasons to as k the committee to not place a person in a particular office. Reasons are sometimes to be known only to the Pastor, and the committee needs to trust his judgement. - To complete the process in time so that the final church vote can be taken 4 weeks before taking office. This allows new officers time to plan and organize for their new position (s). - To provide a job description for each new church office or job. - To present to the Church body a printed list of the recommended officers for the first Sabbath morning reading. - To call for a vote on the list of church officers as a whole, after the second reading on the second Sabbath - To call the same Nominating Committee together for a meeting in February of the following year to select and recommend to the church body the name of 10 persons for possible placement on the new nominating committee. The church as a whole votes on the names, and the top 5 become the committee, and the next highest votes become the alternates. - After serving two consecutive terms on the committee, a person may not serve the third term in a row. The Secretary is responsible to keep records of who served and when. The church must vote on the new nominating committee by the end of February. - If the nominating committee would like to nominate for ordained office one who is not ordained, they must first seek the counsel of the pastor and the board of elders and follow their advice. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Wisdom, Administration, Faith\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Personnel Committee ---- ====NOMINATING COMMITTEE SECRETARY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for taking accurate Nominating Committee meeting minutes and fulfill all other necessary secretarial duties. Nominating Committee elect their secretary. Read: "Nominating Committee" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To take accurate minutes of each meeting. (NOTE: Confidential discussion or information should never go into minutes.) - To publish minutes for all Nominating Committee members. - To publish a church officers list, ready for distribution during the first reading to the church. - To work closely with the Nominating Committee Chairperson. - To seek counsel and advice from the chair person and the Pastor who is an ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee. - To keep a permanent record of the names of members of the committee and year they served, and to pass this record to the next secretary etc. - A member may serve up to two consecutive sessions. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Personnel Committee and Personnel Committee Chairperson ---- ====BULLETIN SECRETARY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for typing and duplicating the Weekly Sabbath School/Church bulletin. JOB DUTIES: - To work with the Pastor, Presiding Elder, Sabbath School Superintendent and anyone else concerned to include all appropriate worship information and announcements in bulletin. - To duplicate church bulletin, flyers. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Pastor and Church Board. ---- ====CHURCH SECRETARY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to do the general secretarial duties in the church office, two days per week, for the Pastor. JOB DUTIES: - To answer the telephone and respond to answering machine messages in a professional manor. - To screen church mail - To type and know data processing software programs - To use copier and folding machine. - To maintain church files / documents. - To use basic secretarial skills. - To help with miscellaneous projects, duplicating flyers, photocopying materials - To train someone to do your job SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Wisdom\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Pastor ---- ====JANITOR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for cleaning the church weekly. JOB DUTIES: WEEKLY (3 to 4 hours) - BATHROOMS - Scrub and disinfect toilets & sinks - Mop floors - Clean Mirrors - Wipe smudges off walls, doors and doorknobs as needed - Dust lights and dispensers - Empty trash - Fill dispensers when needed - Wash & Disinfect diaper-changing table in nursery - SANCTUARY - Pick up trash - Dust piano, organ and wipe off keyboards as needed - Arrange hymnals - Wash nursery windows as needed - Wipe off back of pews - Vacuum aisles (between pews as needed) - Replace tithe envelopes etc. when needed - ALL TRASH CANS EMPTIED - Empty large trashcan in deacon's closet - Pastors Study - All Bathrooms - All SS Division Rooms - Infant Room - Foyer - DUST WINDOWSILLS, FOYER DESK, MAILBOXES, PIANOS. - SWEEP ENTRANCE WALKS & MATS. - WASH WINDOWS AS NEEDED - Front doors, small windows in doors. - DISINFECT DRINKING FOUNTAINS - VACUUM REST OF CHURCH CARPETS - Stairs to school landing - Foyer & hall - PATROL OUTSIDE FOR TRASH. - WASH PENCIL, CRAYON MARKS OFF WALLS WHEN NEEDED. - TO PURCHASE SUPPLIES AS NEEDED. - Toilet paper, Paper towels for cleaning and for dispensers, Solo paper cups, Liquid hand soap, Pinesol or Lysol, Toilet cleaner, Cleaner brush & Deodorizer, Pledge, Sponges or Cleaning rags as needed, Ajax, Windex, Air Freshner. MONTHLY (6 to 8 hours) - LOWER DIVISIONS: - Dust pianos & wipe off keyboards - Wipe off chairs - Vacuum (Spot vacuum weekly as needed) - BALCONY: - Clean windowsills as needed - Dust & Vacuum - SANCTUARY: - Thorough Vacuuming SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Mercy ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====CHURCH CLERK==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for keeping records of the membership, take minutes at Business, Board meetings, and maintain a history of the church. Read and be acquainted with job description in Church Manual. See: "Church Clerk" JOB DUTIES: - To attend Church Board and Business meetings and record minutes. - To maintain Board and Business meeting records. - To attend Conference clerk's meetings when offered. - To keep careful and accurate memberships record and handle the transfer of memberships. Update List of Church Membership on Church Computer. (Note: To update a computer file speak to Church Secretary or the pastor) - To send report to Conference at the end of each quarter. - To train someone to do your job. - To participate as a member of the Church Board. - Follow guidelines sent from Oregon Conference office. - Provide a list of church members to any committees that are appointed and provide list to chairman of the group along with an outline of the work the Committee is being asked to accomplish. - To update church directory as needed during the months of November or December and be distributed before end of year. A copy of the church directory is on file in church office computer. Directory should include non-member spouses, unbaptized children from church related households, regular attendees not yet baptized. It is well to include a statement that "This is not an official membership list". Its purpose is to facilitate friendship in the congregation. Make certain that the phone numbers are correct by "Double checking". SPIRITUAL GIFT (S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board. ---- ====COMMUNICATIONS SECRETARY==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for developing positive public relations in the community by communicating through the media certain church activities which will help to inform, motivate, and inspire others regarding Christ and His Church. Read also Job description in Church Manual. See: “Communication". JOB DUTIES: - To write up church news (with pictures when appropriate or possible) for the North Pacific Union "Gleaner" magazine, “Conference Newsletter”, "Local Newspaper", and "Church Newsletter" See 'Communication Opportunities' for ideas. - To make arrangements for adequate church listing in the telephone book, yellow pages, and newspaper advertisements. - To participate as a member of the Church Board. - To work with Pastor to develop effective ways of communicating through various media positive information concerning our church and its message. - To utilize various help resources like 'Communication Opportunities,' which is sent to the church Communication Secretary each month from the Conference Communication Secretary. And the 'Communication Workbook,' from the G.C. Department of Communications. - To train someone to do your job. - Communications with the media must be accurate, use good grammar good writing skills. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Encouragement, Faith\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board ---- ====ELDER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to provide spiritual leadership and guidance for the growth of the church according to her mission statement. Read job description in Church Manual and Elder's Manual JOB DUTIES: - - **//Commitment//**. It is especially for the local elder to be committed to the outreach of the church. The congregation needs to know that its leaders have a clear vision of the mission of the church. It has been said that church growth is "caught rather than taught. When an elder enthusiastically models a commitment of his or her time to outreach ministry, others catch the same spirit and commit themselves to the mission of the church. An elder should schedule time for ministering to the unsaved. - **//Church Administration//**. An elder should always attempt to make a positive contribution to the organization and progress of the church. While doing this, he or she should not try to dominate or control but rather enable others to participate in decision-making in the church and ministry. An elder often serves in an advisory capacity to various departments, committees, and projects. In doing this, the elder provides unity among the various programs of the church, communicates progress to the church board and encourages a unified mission. - **//Visitation//**. Nurture develops on a horizontal level in the church, with members offering encouragement and spiritual counsel to one another. In such a caring community, even the pastor is nurtured through the membership of the church. An elder can be a vital element in this kind of caring church. The elder can actively visit members in their homes, hospitals and care centers, encourage others to do so, and assist in the training of prospective members. - **//A Spiritual Mentor//**. The spiritual life of an elder should constantly lead members of the church to seek a deeper spiritual experience for themselves. I Timothy, chapter 3, describes the Christian life of an elder in these words: ". . . above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle. . ." An elder should model, by his or her devotional life, Christian personality, and spiritual interest, a higher ideal for each member to reach. The elder should reflect the fruits of the Spirit in his or her relationship with others: love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. - **//To attend//** the following meetings: Church Board, Personal Ministries Council, Church Business and Elders Council. - To practice fiscal responsibility by faithfully returning tithe and supporting the financial program (Personal Giving Plan) of the church. - **//Worship Leadership//**. The involvement and leadership of an elder can make a tremendous difference in the weekly worship service of the church. Quality leadership and participation can transform a dull, lifeless worship service into meaningful experience of praise. Skills in worship leadership, such as the reading of scripture; offering public prayers; planning the order of service; and delivering a sermon. - **//Doctrine//**. An Elder must be a continuous student of the Word. His beliefs and teachings must agree with the official teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Scripture describes an elder as someone who has: - Knowledge, experience, and wisdom that church members can draw from for guidance and spiritual support (Acts 15:2, 6; 16:4). - The ability and will to shepherd and care for the body of believers (Acts 20:28-31; Hebrews 13:17). - A willingness and ability to teach and instruct others in spiritual matters (I Timothy 3:2; Hebrews 13:7; I Timothy 5:17; Acts 20:30). - The ability and will to equip and teach members how to share their Christian faith (Ephesians 4:11-13). - A positive example and influence among the church body and community (I Peter 5:3; Hebrews 13:7). SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Faith, Ministering \\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Pastor, Head Elder, Board of Elders and Church Board. ---- ====ELDER (LEADER)==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to promote the mission of the Church and to organize the work of the Board of Elders. Read and follow job description in Church Manual and Elder's Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To fulfill the job duties of an elder. - To chair the Board of Elders in absence of pastor. - To organize and encourage Elder visitation. - To visit and minister to our hospitalized members. - To participate as a member of the Church Board. - To participate as a member of the Worship Committee. - To participate as a member of the Finance Committee. - To produce and distribute the Elders Digest Magazine - To work closely with the Pastor to lead the church to fulfill its mission statement. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Discernment, Faith, Leadership, Mercy, Faithfulness\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Board of Elders and Pastor ---- ====FINANCE COMMITTEE ==== MEMBERS: Finance Chairman, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurers, Head Elder, Head Deacon, Pastor, and all personnel elected by the church to serve on this committee. JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for submitting to the church in a Business Meeting a yearly budget proposal. Making responsible and fiscally sound decisions with the churches finances in harmony with Oregon Conference and General Conference policy. Read “Church Budget” in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To attend the Finance Committee Meeting. - To monitor each church departments financial activities so that all operate within their budget. - To discuss all the financial matters of the church, Making decisions and recommendation accordingly. - To develop a responsible annual church budget and submit it to the church in a business meeting for acceptance. - To implement the church operating budget. - To develop funding recommendations for special projects. - To supervise expenditures. - To manage the churches resources in harmony with its mission. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Faith, Administration, Good Personal Financial Manager.\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board ---- ====FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIR==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for leading the Finance Committee to carry out its fiscal responsibilities in harmony with the churches mission statement. Read “Church Budget” in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - To chair the Finance Committee. - To work closely with the Pastor in developing the schedule, agenda and budget. - To train someone to do your job. - To participate on the Church Board. - To supervise the Finance Secretary, seeing the minutes are accurately recorded and reproduced for all other committee members SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration, Faith, Giving\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS (SANCTUARY) AND SPECIAL EVENTS==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for providing center platform floral arrangement for Sanctuary and providing fresh flowers for special events. JOB DUTIES: - To provide platform center floral arrangement. - To plan special arrangements during the different seasons and religious holidays for platform. - To order and bring to church fresh flowers or roses for all our newly baptized members, transferred members and dedicated babies. - Responsible for ordering or sending flower arrangements for funerals of the church family. - Arrange for providing refreshments for special events. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====CHURCH TREASURER==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for handling all funds and financial activities of the church. The Treasurer attends Board, Business, and Finance committee meetings and presents a synopsis report of the financial activity for the month. Read: "The Church Treasurer" in Church Manual. JOB DUTIES: - - To post tithe envelope amounts by week and balance totals. - To make necessary disbursements throughout the month. Receipts of expenditures are required before reimbursement is made. - To deposit weekly Sabbath School, all Church and other funds collected. - To complete at the end of each month: - Post all income and outgo totals for the entire month to make up end-of-month balance sheet. - Prepare and send reports and receipts to Conference office, plus check for the total amount of Conference funds received for the month. - Provide a monthly financial report to Finance Committee, Board or Business meeting. - Pays bills when due. - To supply church members with yearly receipts of funds contributed by January 31st. - To serve as a member on the Finance Committee. - To maintain confidentiality of individual church member records. - To delegate duties to Assistant Treasurers as needed. - To provide the Pastor and the church board with a monthly financial report. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Leadership, Administration and ability to keep strict confidentiality.\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: The Church Board and Finance Committee. ---- ====WEDDING COORDINATORS / CONSULTANT==== JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to serve as a church policy advisor to couples who request to be married in the church. JOB DUTIES: - To work closely with the Pastor regarding church wedding requests. - To meet with each couple, after the Church Board has approved their request, and clarify any questions concerning church wedding policies. - To communicate the wedding time and date with the Sound System Director so a sound technician can be scheduled. - To contact the church janitor and share the time and date of the wedding so they can plan their cleaning schedule accordingly. - To train someone to do your job. - To see that the church facilities are not abused or misused in any way. - To uphold the policies printed in the guide given to the bridal party. (No Smoking, No furniture removed from church premises, etc.) SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Helps, Hospitality, Shepherding\\ ACCOUNTABLE TO: Pastor and Church Board ---- ====BUILDING AND GROUNDS TEAM MINSITRY==== SUMMARY: Keeping the building, grounds, furnishings, operating systems and equipment in good working order. JOB DUTIES: - To oversee the safe-keeping, protection, maintenance and repair of church facilities, furnishing, and attached equipment such as heating, cooling, lighting and storage. - To make sure that all furnishings and equipment are properly working. - To make recommendations on replacement of worn items or equipment, landscaping, and care of grounds and parking facilities. - To make recommendations to the Budget (Finance) Committee as to necessary funds to provide for the annual maintenance of all facilities, furnishings and grounds. - To take actions in emergency situations regarding church facilities, furnishings and grounds. - To serve as a resource team when the church considers securing additional or selling property and furnishings. - To serve as a resource team in facility safety, security and crime prevention issues. - To conduct annual inventory, inspection and evaluation of all church property and equipment. - To make recommendations concerning maintenance and usage of church parking facilities and signage. - To assist and support the church custodial personnel in matters related to the building and grounds. - To meet once a month. - To train and mentor someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration, Helps, Service\\ ACOUNTABLE TO: Church Board ---- ====TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MINISTRY==== JOB DESCRIPTION: Responsible for integrating technology for the Church. JOB DUTIES - Maintain a church website (www.stonetowersda.org). This website will utilize PHP scripted documents for accessing a SQL database so that dynamic web content will be possible along with a portal, calendar and forum for interactivity. - Maintain a secured, encrypted wired/wireless network infrastructure capable of supporting the whole church area that will provide the backbone for data/information flow. - Maintain a server box (preferably LINUX) for serving web, file, email, database, streaming audio/video and other relevant services. - Maintain a multimedia box for editing and producing audio/visual material, including but not limited to weekly sermons and seminars (these files could then be served off the internet). - Maintain all computers machines. - To educate and assist Church/Congregation in transitioning to better avenues of communication. - To implement better communication through technology (Church Web-site, Facebook, Adventist Church Connect, etc.) so that the Church can be more effective from within and without in fulfilling its mission. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration\\ ACOUNTABLE TO: Church Board, Building & Grounds Ministry ---- ====INTERIOR CHURCH DECOR MINISTRY==== SUMMARY: To create beautiful and attractive spaces in the Church. JOB DUTIES: - To create functional, yet beautiful spaces. - To work closely with Building & Grounds Ministry and serve as an advisory team to give advice on which color schemes, layouts and furniture would be best for a particular space. - To make sketches for decorating ideas and present cost estimates to Finance Committee for approval. - To choose paint colors, lighting, window coverings, furniture and flooring as well as artwork. - To organize and supervise the arrangement and installation of furnishings. - To have a good sense of style, creativity, awareness of the latest fashion trends. - To consult with professional Interior Decorators as needed. - To train someone to do your job. SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Administration, Helps, Service\\ ACOUNTABLE TO: Building & Grounds Ministry, Finance Committee, Church Board ----