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public:ministries:ministries [2023/09/15 15:56] – [SABBATH SCHOOL YOUNG ADULT ASSISTANT] Steve Mundallpublic:ministries:ministries [2023/09/28 22:46] (current) – [NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN] Steve Mundall
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 The following church officers serve on the Stone Tower Church Board. Also other individuals or offices can be placed on the Church Board if perceived that it would be beneficial and voted in a Church Business session. List last voted August 2023 (list from church manual plus AV/Tech leader). The following church officers serve on the Stone Tower Church Board. Also other individuals or offices can be placed on the Church Board if perceived that it would be beneficial and voted in a Church Business session. List last voted August 2023 (list from church manual plus AV/Tech leader).
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   - AV/Tech leader   - AV/Tech leader
 +Gifts Referenced:
 +  - Administration
 +  - Discernment
 +  - Encouragement
 +  - Evangelism
 +  - Faith
 +  - Faithfulness
 +  - Friendliness
 +  - Giving
 +  - Good Personal Financial Manager
 +  - Helps
 +  - Hospitality
 +  - Kindness
 +  - Knowledge
 +  - Leadership
 +  - Love
 +  - Mercy
 +  - Ministering
 +  - Missionary
 +  - Servant
 +  - Service
 +  - Shepherding
 +  - Teaching
 +  - Trainer
 +  - Wisdom
 ---- ----
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   - To finish Nominating officers in time so that the final church vote can be taken at least 4 weeks before taking office. This allows new officers time to get ready for their new position(s).   - To finish Nominating officers in time so that the final church vote can be taken at least 4 weeks before taking office. This allows new officers time to get ready for their new position(s).
   - To call the same committee together for a meeting in February ofthe following year to select and recommend to the church body the name of 10 persons for possible placement on the new nominating committee. The church as a whole votes on the names, and the top 5 become the committee, and the next 2 highest votes become the alternates.   - To call the same committee together for a meeting in February ofthe following year to select and recommend to the church body the name of 10 persons for possible placement on the new nominating committee. The church as a whole votes on the names, and the top 5 become the committee, and the next 2 highest votes become the alternates.
-  - After serving a term on the committee, a person may not serve again for the next 2 years. The Secretary is responsible to keep records ofwho served and when. The church must vote on the new nominating committee by the end of February.+  - After serving two consecutive terms on the committee, a person may not serve the third term in a row. The Secretary is responsible to keep records of who served and when. The church must vote on the new nominating committee by the end of February.
   - If the nominating committee would like to nominate for ordained office one who is not ordained, they must first seek the counsel of the Pastor and the board of Elders, and then follow their advise in the matter.   - If the nominating committee would like to nominate for ordained office one who is not ordained, they must first seek the counsel of the Pastor and the board of Elders, and then follow their advise in the matter.
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   - To call for a vote on the list of church officers as a whole, after the second reading on the second Sabbath.   - To call for a vote on the list of church officers as a whole, after the second reading on the second Sabbath.
   - To call the same Nominating Committee together for a meeting in February ofthe following year to select and recommend to the church body the name of 10 persons for possible placement on the new nominating committee. The church as a whole votes on the names, and the top 5 become the committee, and the next 2 highest votes become the alternates.   - To call the same Nominating Committee together for a meeting in February ofthe following year to select and recommend to the church body the name of 10 persons for possible placement on the new nominating committee. The church as a whole votes on the names, and the top 5 become the committee, and the next 2 highest votes become the alternates.
-  - After serving a term on the committee, a person may not serve again for the next 2 years. The Secretary is responsible to keep records ofwho served and when. The church must vote on the new nominating committee by the end of February.+  - After serving two consecutive terms on the committee, a person may not serve the third term in a row. The Secretary is responsible to keep records ofwho served and when. The church must vote on the new nominating committee by the end of February.
   - If the nominating committee would like to nominate for ordained office one who is not ordained, they must first seek the counsel of the pastor and the board of elders and follow their advice.   - If the nominating committee would like to nominate for ordained office one who is not ordained, they must first seek the counsel of the pastor and the board of elders and follow their advice.
Line 1349: Line 1375:
-JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and show Christian love and concern\\ +JOB SUMMARY: Responsible to teach the Sabbath School lesson and show Christian love and concern for each member of the Sabbath School Class. (Teachers are chosen by the Sabbath School Departmental Leader). Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual. 
-e ;for each member ofthe Sabbath School Class. (Teachers are chosen by the Sabbath School Departmental Leader). Read: "The Sabbath School" in Church Manual.\\ + 
-I. To make all visitors feel welcome and accepted. Also be sure to introduce them to the class.\\ + 
-2. To encourage daily Bible and lesson study.\\ +  - To make all visitors feel welcome and accepted. Also be sure to introduce them to the class. 
-3. To teach the Sabbath School lesson in an appealing way, holding the interest and attention of the\\ +  To encourage daily Bible and lesson study. 
-children while impressing spiritual truths.\\ +  To teach the Sabbath School lesson in an appealing way, holding the interest and attention of the children while impressing spiritual truths. 
-4. To contact any member who is ill or absent.\\ +  To contact any member who is ill or absent. 
-5. To train someone to do your job.\\ +  To train someone to do your job. 
-6. To work very closely with the Sabbath School Department Leader.\\ +  To work very closely with the Sabbath School Department Leader. 
-7. To encourage the young people to take a definite stand for Jesus Christ.\\ +  To encourage the young people to take a definite stand for Jesus Christ. 
-8. To the Children: Learns to know the children by name, discovering the interests and family\\ +  To the Children: Learns to know the children by name, discovering the interests and family circumstances of each. Relates to the children in a loving, accepting manner, regardless of their race, color, language, gender, age, or educational experience. Encourages children to ask questions and seek answers. 
-circumstances of each. Relates to the children in a loving, accepting manner, regardless of their\\ +  To Personal Development: Maintains a consistent prayer life and seeks to grow spiritually; knows Jesus as personal Savior and is willing and able to talk about what God has done for him/her. Studies the children's lesson and the teachers' lesson helps so as to be able to lead the class in a discussion of their lesson. Seeks new ways to involve children in learning. 
-race, color, language, gender, age, or educational experience. Encourages children to ask questions\\ +  To the Leader: Adapts to the leadership style of the Sabbath School leader. Arranges a teaching schedule with the leader, allowing for Sabbaths off; calls the leader when emergencies cause a change of plans, so a substitute can be found. 
-and seek answers.\\ +  To the Class: Arrives on time and sits with the class during the program; leads the class in discussion of the lesson so as to relate Bible truth to everyday situations. Commits to regular attendance so that the class learns to depend on their teacher. Recognizes and greets children by name outside of class. Encourages children to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God through daily Bible study. At the conclusion of Sabbath School, evaluates whether or not learning took place. 
-9. To Personal Development: Maintains a consistent prayer life and seeks to grow spiritually; knows\\ +  To God: Models God's grace in relationships within the class, seeking to love and accept each child at all times. Encourages the children to express their love for God in words, prayer, and faithfulness in daily situations.  
-Jesus as personal Savior and is willing and able to talk about what God has done for him/her. Studies\\ +  
-the children's lesson and the teachers' lesson helps so as to be able to lead the class in a discussion of\\ +When evaluating materials for your use, keep the following points in mind: 
-their lesson. Seeks new ways to involve children in learning.\\ + 
-10. To the Leader: Adapts to the leadership style of the Sabbath School leader. Arranges a teaching\\ +  * Is it Christ centered? Does it lead children into a personal, saving relationship with Christ? 
-schedule with the leader, allowing for Sabbaths off; calls the leader when emergencies cause a\\ +  Do the pictures glorify Christ rather than self? 
-change of plans, so a substitute can be found.\\ +  Is the material related to your lessons and are they doctrinally sound? 
-I I. To the Class: Arrives on time and sits with the class during the program; leads the class in discussion\\ +  Do the materials have educational value? Is spiritual learning taking place or does it serve only to entertain? 
-of the lesson so as to relate Bible truth to everyday situations. Commits to regular attendance so\\ +  Are the materials appropriate to the age level you are considering using it for? 
-that the class learns to depend on their teacher. Recognizes and greets children by name outside of\\ +  Is the art work of good quality? 
-class. Encourages children to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God through daily Bible\\ +  Can the material be used repeatedly to justify the expense? 
-study. At the conclusion of Sabbath School, evaluates whether or not learning took place.\\ +  Do the materials encourage participation? 
-12. To God: Models God's grace in relationships within the class, seeking to love and accept each child\\ +
-at all times. Encourages the children to express their love for God in words, prayer, and\\ +
-faithfulness in daily situations.\\ +
-When evaluating materials for your use, keep the following points in mind:\\ +
-Is it Christ centered? Does it lead children into a personal, saving relationship with Christ?\\ +
-Do the pictures glorify Christ rather than self?\\ +
-Is the material related to your lessons and are they doctrinally sound?\\ +
-Do the materials have educational value? Is spiritual learning taking place or does it serve only to\\ +
-entertain?\\ +
-Are the materials appropriate to the age level you are considering using it for?\\ +
-Is the art work of good quality?\\ +
-Can the material be used repeatedly to justify the expense?\\ +
-Do the materials encourage participation?\\+
 SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge\\ SPIRITUAL GIFT(S) DESIRED: Teacher, Helps, Knowledge\\
-e .ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sabbath School Department Leader, Sabbath School Superintendent, Sabbath\\ +ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sabbath School Department Leader, Sabbath School Superintendent, Sabbath School Council, Church Board 
-School Council, Church Board\\ +
 ---- ----
Line 1528: Line 1541:
 From the record of Christ's life, we receive an indication of the value He has placed upon the young. He selected young adults among the twelve apostles such as John "the beloved." Those who would lead young adults today must see them as an important part of today's church, not the church to come, for these young adults are about the same age as were the founders of Adventism. From the record of Christ's life, we receive an indication of the value He has placed upon the young. He selected young adults among the twelve apostles such as John "the beloved." Those who would lead young adults today must see them as an important part of today's church, not the church to come, for these young adults are about the same age as were the founders of Adventism.
-Duties ofthe Young Adult Sabbath School Assistant\\+Duties ofthe Young Adult Sabbath School Assistant
-• Although the program varies from church to church, the ministry to which a person is called as an assistant\\ +Although the program varies from church to church, the ministry to which a person is called as an assistant in the young adult division of the Sabbath School can best be described in the following ways:
-in the young adult division of the Sabbath School can best be described in the following ways:\\+
-I. Planning. Together with the leader, you should select young adults whose personalities and\\ +  - Planning. Together with the leader, you should select young adults whose personalities and temperaments best fit them for helping run the program. This group should meet frequently to help you become comfortable in the performance of your tasks. 
-temperaments best fit them for helping run the program. This group should meet frequently to help you\\ +  - Spiritual Helper. Young adults who have spiritual and relational problems will come to you with questions which need to be answered. This may occasionally require that you act as bridge between troubled young adults and their families. If you really care, they will be able to see it. Some are shy and you will want to preserve their dignity by not being too forward yourself. Others are gregarious and want to be asked questions that invite self-disclosing answers. Listening skills are important! As you learn to know more about what makes people tick, you will catch more of the nuances. 
-become comfortable in the performance of your tasks.\\+  - Teaching. Unless you are in a very large church, it will often be your job to teach the Sabbath School lesson. Your group may have a rotation plan in which many of the class members have a turn at leading the discussion. Skills in group process and learning styles are essential to this task. 
 +  - Building a Sense of Community. You must not be afraid to give yourself to others. Many adults find young adults intimidating, usually because young adults confront adults by being able to see through their facades. Unless you become open to others, your leadership will lose effectiveness. You are not called to lead from a position of strength, as if you had all of the answers. Enable your group to see that you, too, struggle with problems and search for answers. It is only through the honest sharing of your struggles that they will be able to see Christianity as an alive and practical choice. They need real people, with real problems and real solutions to lead them. 
 +  - Interest in People. Relational skills are key in this process. Smiles and expressions of caring are very important! Even the most shy person warms to a smile. Some of the more gregarious ones benefit from a hug. In most situations, a warm handshake or touch to the shoulder to accompany a warm smile shows you care. 
 +  - Commitment. Next to your commitment to have God's presence in every aspect of your life, the commitment you make to serve your church body is perhaps the most important one you will make. It is just as important as your vocational and relational commitments. Group members need to know that they can depend on you and that your attendance and participation will be regular.
-2. Spiritual Helper. Young adults who have spiritual and relational problems will come to you with\\ +Resource Materials\\
-questions which need to be answered. This may occasionally require that you act as bridge between\\ +
-troubled young adults and their families. If you really care, they will be able to see it. Some are shy and\\ +
-you will want to preserve their dignity by not being too forward yourself. Others are gregarious and\\ +
-want to be asked questions that invite self-disclosing answers. Listening skills are important! As you\\ +
-learn to know more about what makes people tick, you will catch more of the nuances.\\+
-3. Teaching. Unless you are in a very large church, it will often be your job to teach the Sabbath School\\ 
-lesson. Your group may have a rotation plan in which many of the class members have a turn at leading\\ 
-the discussion. Skills in group process and learning styles are essential to this task.\\ 
-4. Building Sense of Community. You must not be afraid to give yourself to others. Many adults find\\ +Adventist View is periodical for (and created by) young adults. AV is packed with informationcomments on current issues and trendsTo order call AdventSource at 1-800-328-0525.
-young adults intimidating, usually because young adults confront adults by being able to see through\\ +
-their facadesUnless you become open to othersyour leadership will lose effectiveness. You are not\\ +
-called to lead from a position of strength, as if you had all of the answers. Enable your group to see that\\ +
-you, too, struggle with problems and search for answersIt is only through the honest sharing of your\\ +
-struggles that they will be able to see Christianity as an alive and practical choice. They need real\\ +
-people, with real problems and real solutions to lead them.\\ +
-5. Interest in People. Relational skills are key in this process. Smiles and expressions of caring are very\\ +Youth and Young Adult Resources for Your Local Church free from AdventSource.
-important! Even the most shy person warms to a smile. Some of the more gregarious ones benefit from a\\ +
-hug. In most situations, a warm handshake or touch to the shoulder to accompany a warm smile shows\\ +
-you care.\\+
-Commitment. Next to your commitment to have God's presence in every aspect of your life, the\\ +The WorldLove it or Leave It? by Roger Dudley (pacific Press, 1987) discusses the Scripture principles related to the many issues raised as young adult Adventists deal with contemporary culture.
-commitment you make to serve your church body is perhaps the most important one you will make. It is\\ +
-just as important as your vocational and relational commitments. Group members need to know that they\\ +
-can depend on you and that your attendance and participation will be regular.\\+
-Resource Materials\\+To help young adults deal with occupational issues, Richard Bolles has written a couple of books filled with exercises to aid self-discovery. They are entitled What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters & Career-Changers (which comes out in a new edition each year) and The Three Boxes of Life And How to Get Out of Them: An Introduction to Life/Work Planning. 
 +Who Cares? A-Zillion Ways You Can Meet the Needs of People Around You by Linnea Torkelsen (1996, The Adventist Youth Service Network North American Division). Available through Advent Source. Call 1800-328-0525. 
 +The Family & Youth Ministry by Fred Cornforth (1995, The Youth and Young Adult Ministries Consultants, Inc.). Available through AdventSource. Call 1-800-328-0525. 
 +Information about additional resources and answers to your questions can be obtained through the denomination's "help desk" by calling (800) SDA-PLUS. A number of helpful fact sheets can also be obtained on the Adventist Forum on CompuServe or through the Fax Plus automated fax-back system. Dial (800) 474-4SDA.
-Adventist View is a periodical for (and created by) young adults. AV is packed with information, comments\\ 
-on current issues and trends. To order call AdventSource at 1-800-328-0525.\\ 
-The World, Love it or Leave It? by Roger Dudley (1987, Pacific Press) discusses the Scripture principles\\ 
-related to the many issues raised as young adult Adventists deal with contemporary culture.\\ 
-To help young adults deal with occupational issues, Richard Bolles has written a couple of books filled with\\ 
-exercises to aid self-discovery. They are entitled What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for\\ 
-Job-Hunters & Career-Changers (which comes out in a new edition each year) and The Three Boxes of Life\\ 
-And How to Get Out ofThem: An Introduction to Life/Work Planning.\\ 
-Who Cares? A-Zillion Ways You Can Meet the Needs of People Around You by Linnea Torkelsen (1996, ei The Adventist Youth Service Network North American Division). A powerfully motivating collection of\\ 
-. youth service projects, and the true stories behind them. Fun and convicting. Available through Advent\\ 
-Source. Call 1-800-328-0525.\\ 
-The Family & Youth Ministry by Fred Cornforth (1995, The Youth and Young Adult Ministries\\ 
-Consultants, Inc.) helps you build an effective youth ministry. Practical and to the point, you'll discover\\ 
-dozens of ways to build relationships and multigenerational involvement. One of the best resources around.\\ 
-Available through AdventSource. Call 1-800-328-0525.\\ 
-Information about additional resources and answers to your questions can be obtained through the\\ 
-denomination's "help desk" by calling (800) SDA-PLUS. A number of helpful fact sheets can also be\\ 
-obtained on the Adventist Forum on CompuServe or through the Fax Plus automated fax-back system. Dial\\ 
-(800) 474-4SDA.\\ 
Line 1736: Line 1716:
-JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for handling all funds and financial activities of the church. The Treasurer attends Board, Business, and Finance committee meeti~gs and presents a synopsis report of the financial activity for the month. Read: "The Church Treasurer" in the Church Manual.+JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for handling all funds and financial activities of the church. The Treasurer attends Board, Business, and Finance committee meetings and presents a synopsis report of the financial activity for the month. Read: "The Church Treasurer" in the Church Manual.
public/ministries/ministries.1694793392.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/15 15:56 by Steve Mundall

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